314 lines
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314 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using UI.Framework.Forms;
using SqlSugar;
using Api.Framework;
using Api.Framework.Model;
using Api.Framework.Enums;
using Api.Framework.Tools;
using Grant.Framework;
using System.Threading;
using CsharpHttpHelper;
namespace FLSystem.Forms
public partial class member_base_info_form : BaseForm
private SqlSugarClient session = null;
long uid = 0;
fl_member_info member = null;
public member_base_info_form(long uid)
this.uid = uid;
session = ApiClient.GetSession();
private MemberType old_status;
private void member_base_info_form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (int v in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MemberType)))
string strName = Enum.GetName(typeof(MemberType), v);
comboBoxEdit2.Properties.Items.AddRange(new object[] { strName });
foreach (int v in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExchangeType)))
string strName = Enum.GetName(typeof(ExchangeType), v);
comboBoxEdit3.Properties.Items.AddRange(new object[] { strName });
foreach (int v in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SwitchType)))
string strName = Enum.GetName(typeof(SwitchType), v);
comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items.AddRange(new object[] { strName });
var groups = session.FindGroups();
if (groups != null && groups.Count != 0)
comboBox1.DataSource = groups;
comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
comboBox1.Tag = groups;
catch (Exception ex)
private CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
/// <summary>
/// 加载数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="noAssignment">是否重新赋值可修改的控件数据</param>
private void loadMemberInfo(bool noAssignment = true)
if (uid != 0)
member = session.FindMemberInfoById(uid);
if (member == null) throw new Exception("用户数据存在异常");
old_status = member.status;
memoEdit1.Text = member.username;
memoEdit2.Text = member.usernick;
memoEdit3.Text = member.robot_type.ToString();
textEdit1.Text = member.inviter_id.ToString();
if (comboBox1.Tag != null)
var groups = comboBox1.Tag as List<fl_member_group>;
var group = groups.FirstOrDefault(f => f.id == member.group_id);
comboBox1.Text = group != null ? group.name : groups.FirstOrDefault().name;
memoEdit11.Text = member.remark;
memoEdit5.Text = member.cur_point.ToString("0.00");
memoEdit7.Text = member.buy_point.ToString("0.00");
memoEdit6.Text = member.sum_point.ToString("0.00");
memoEdit8.Text = member.ext_point.ToString("0.00");
memoEdit9.Text = member.rew_point.ToString("0.00");
memoEdit10.Text = member.finish_order.ToString();
dateTimePicker5.Value = member.crt_time;
dateTimePicker6.Value = member.upd_time;
dateTimePicker7.Value = (member.blackout_time == DateTime.MinValue ? DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01 00:00:00") : member.blackout_time);
memoEdit22.Text = member.chat_count.ToString();
var dic_t = FindOrderTotalInfo(uid, tokenSource.Token);
dic_t.ContinueWith(f =>
var dic = f.Result;
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
memoEdit4.Text = (dic == null ? "异常" : dic["count_pay"].ToString("0.00"));//待收货数
memoEdit19.Text = (dic == null ? "异常" : dic["point_pay"].ToString("0.00"));//未收货金额
memoEdit21.Text = (dic == null ? "异常" : dic["count_sleep"].ToString("0.00"));//冻结数量
memoEdit20.Text = (dic == null ? "异常" : dic["point_sleep"].ToString("0.00"));//冻结金额
catch (Exception)
}, tokenSource.Token);
if (noAssignment)
comboBoxEdit2.SelectedIndex = (int)member.status;
comboBoxEdit3.SelectedIndex = (int)member.exchange_type;
comboBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex = (int)member.ignore_group_update;
memoEdit17.Text = member.identity_name;
memoEdit18.Text = member.identity_card;
memoEdit15.Text = member.alipay_name;
memoEdit16.Text = member.alipay_num;
dateTimePicker1.Value = member.ban_exchange_time;
numericUpDown1.Value = (decimal)member.private_ratio;
is_loding = true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (!this.IsDisposed)
/// <summary>
/// 统计阿里妈妈,京东,拼多多,(付款状态订单合计/冻结状态订单合计/付款和冻结状态订单合计)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tableName">表名</param>
/// <param name="uid">用户id</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Task<Dictionary<string, decimal>> FindOrderTotalInfo(long uid, CancellationToken Token)
return Task.Run(() =>
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
var result = session.FindTable($"select round(COALESCE(sum(db_userpoint),0) ,2) as sum ,count(id) as count from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @id and db_status = 1001 UNION ALL select round(COALESCE(sum(db_userpoint), 0), 2) as sum, count(id) as count from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @id and db_status = 1005 union all select round(COALESCE(sum(db_userpoint),0) ,2) as sum ,count(id) as count from fl_order_jingdong where db_userid = @id and db_status = 1001 UNION ALL select round(COALESCE(sum(db_userpoint), 0), 2) as sum, count(id) as count from fl_order_jingdong where db_userid = @id and db_status = 1005 union all select round(COALESCE(sum(db_userpoint),0) ,2) as sum ,count(id) as count from fl_order_pinduoduo where db_userid = @id and db_status = 1001 UNION ALL select round(COALESCE(sum(db_userpoint), 0), 2) as sum, count(id) as count from fl_order_pinduoduo where db_userid = @id and db_status = 1005", new { id = uid });
if (result.Rows.Count != 0 && result.Rows.Count == 6)
var dic = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
var ali_point_sleep = decimal.Parse(result.Rows[0]["sum"].ToString());
var ali_count_sleep = int.Parse(result.Rows[0]["count"].ToString());
var ali_point_pay = decimal.Parse(result.Rows[1]["sum"].ToString());
var ali_count_pay = int.Parse(result.Rows[1]["count"].ToString());
var jd_point_sleep = decimal.Parse(result.Rows[2]["sum"].ToString());
var jd_count_sleep = int.Parse(result.Rows[2]["count"].ToString());
var jd_point_pay = decimal.Parse(result.Rows[3]["sum"].ToString());
var jd_count_pay = int.Parse(result.Rows[3]["count"].ToString());
var pdd_point_sleep = decimal.Parse(result.Rows[4]["sum"].ToString());
var pdd_count_sleep = int.Parse(result.Rows[4]["count"].ToString());
var pdd_point_pay = decimal.Parse(result.Rows[5]["sum"].ToString());
var pdd_count_pay = int.Parse(result.Rows[5]["count"].ToString());
dic.Add("point_sleep", ali_point_sleep + jd_point_sleep + pdd_point_sleep);
dic.Add("count_sleep", ali_count_sleep + jd_count_sleep + pdd_count_sleep);
dic.Add("point_pay", ali_point_pay + jd_point_pay + pdd_point_pay);
dic.Add("count_pay", ali_count_pay + jd_count_pay + pdd_count_pay);
return dic;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
return null;
}, Token);
private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
DialogResult dialogResult = DialogResult.No;
CsharpHttpHelper.IniHelper Config = new CsharpHttpHelper.IniHelper(HttpExtend.MapFile("系统配置.ini", "Config"));
var pass = Config.GetValue("帐号信息", "密码2");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pass))
var v = new VerifyPassForm(pass);
dialogResult = v.ShowDialog();
var verify = new Grant.Framework.VerifyPassForm();
dialogResult = verify.ShowDialog();
if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
if (uid == 0) throw new Exception("当前窗体数据异常");
var changepoint = new change_point_form(uid);
catch (Exception ex)
private void member_base_info_form_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (is_change && XtraMessageBox.Show("您当前做了修改操作,是否保存?", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
member.status = (MemberType)comboBoxEdit2.SelectedIndex;
member.exchange_type = (ExchangeType)comboBoxEdit3.SelectedIndex;
member.ignore_group_update = (SwitchType)comboBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex;
member.identity_name = memoEdit17.Text.Trim();
member.ban_exchange_time = dateTimePicker1.Value;
member.private_ratio = (double)numericUpDown1.Value;
member.identity_card = memoEdit18.Text.Trim();
member.alipay_name = memoEdit15.Text.Trim();
member.alipay_num = memoEdit16.Text.Trim();
member.inviter_id = int.Parse(textEdit1.Text);
if (comboBox1.SelectedValue != null)
member.group_id = (comboBox1.SelectedValue as fl_member_group).id;
member.remark = memoEdit11.Text;
catch (Exception ex)
private bool is_change = false;
private bool is_loding = false;
/// <summary>
/// 现在有8个控件可以赋值,如果8个值都没有被修改那么关闭的时候将不提示是否保存提示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void ChangeInput(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (is_loding)
is_change = true;
if (sender is TextEdit)
var edit = sender as TextEdit;
if (edit.Name == "textEdit1")
if (edit.Text.Trim() == "0") throw new Exception("无");
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
var member = session.FindMemberInfoById(int.Parse(edit.Text.Trim()));
if (member == null) throw new Exception("数据异常");
memoEdit14.Text = member.usernick;
catch (Exception ex)
memoEdit14.Text = ex.Message;
catch (Exception)
{ }