2022-09-20 03:10:29 +00:00
using Api.Framework ;
using Api.Framework.Cps ;
using Api.Framework.Enums ;
using Api.Framework.Model ;
using Api.Framework.SDK ;
using Api.Framework.Tools ;
using FLSystem.Properties ;
using System ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using UI.Framework.Controls ;
using UI.Framework.Forms ;
namespace FLSystem.Forms
public partial class member_private_config : BaseForm
private long uid ;
public member_private_config ( long uid )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
this . uid = uid ;
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var member = session . FindMemberInfoById ( uid ) ;
if ( member ! = null )
tbox_member_KeyWord . Text = member . username ;
private void simpleButton1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
pageControl1 . Go ( sender , e ) ;
private void member_private_config_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e )
pageControl1 . Bind ( ( page , size ) = >
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var parm = session . NewParamMap ( ) ;
parm . setPageParamters ( page , size ) ;
var keyword = tbox_member_KeyWord . Text . Replace ( "'" , "''" ) . Trim ( ) ;
var where = string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( keyword ) ? string . Empty : $" and (mi.username like '%{keyword}%' or mi.usernick like '%{keyword}%' )" ;
//var result1 = session.FindPage<member_private_config_temp>($"select mi.id as uid,mi.robot_type as robot_type,mi.username as username,mi.usernick as usernick,flag.* from fl_member_info mi left join (select ai1_temp.member_id as member_id,ai1_temp.is_auto_bind,ai1_temp.adzone_name as tb_pid_name,ai2_temp.adzone_name as pdd_pid_name,ai3_temp.adzone_name as jd_pid_name from (select * from fl_adzone_info ai1 where ai1.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.阿里妈妈}' and ai1.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai1.extend = '淘宝私人pid') ai1_temp INNER JOIN (select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.多多进宝}' and ai2.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai2.extend='拼多多私人pid') ai2_temp INNER JOIN (select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.京东联盟}' and ai2.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai2.extend='京东私人pid') ai3_temp on ai1_temp.member_id = ai2_temp.member_id and ai3_temp.member_id = ai2_temp.member_id) flag on mi.id = flag.member_id where 1=1 {where}", parm);
/ *
var result = session . FindPage < member_private_config_temp > ( $ @ "select mi.id as uid,mi.robot_type as robot_type,mi.username as username,mi.usernick as usernick,flag.* from fl_member_info mi left join (select ai1_temp.member_id as member_id,ai1_temp.is_auto_bind,ai1_temp.adzone_name as tb_pid_name,ai2_temp.adzone_name as pdd_pid_name,ai3_temp.adzone_name as jd_pid_name,ai4_temp.adzone_name as wph_pid_name,ai5_temp.adzone_name as dy_pid_name from (select * from fl_adzone_info ai1 where ai1.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.阿里妈妈}' and ai1.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai1.extend = '淘宝私人pid') ai1_temp INNER JOIN (select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.多多进宝}' and ai2.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai2.extend='拼多多私人pid') ai2_temp INNER JOIN (select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.京东联盟}' and ai2.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai2.extend='京东私人pid') ai3_temp
INNER JOIN ( select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2 . alliance_id = ' { ( int ) CpsType . 唯 品 联 盟 } ' and ai2 . custom_type = ' { Resources . SoftwareType } ' and ai2 . extend = ' 唯 品 会 私 人 pid ' ) ai4_temp
INNER JOIN ( select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2 . alliance_id = ' { ( int ) CpsType . 抖 音 联 盟 } ' and ai2 . custom_type = ' { Resources . SoftwareType } ' and ai2 . extend = ' 抖 音 私 人 pid ' ) ai5_temp
on ai1_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id and ai3_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id and ai4_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id and ai5_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id ) flag on mi . id = flag . member_id where 1 = 1 { where } ", parm);
* /
var result = session . FindPage < member_private_config_temp > ( $ @ "select mi.id as uid,mi.robot_type as robot_type,mi.username as username,mi.usernick as usernick,flag.* from fl_member_info mi left join (select ai1_temp.member_id as member_id,ai1_temp.is_auto_bind,ai1_temp.adzone_name as tb_pid_name,ai2_temp.adzone_name as pdd_pid_name,ai3_temp.adzone_name as jd_pid_name,ai4_temp.adzone_name as wph_pid_name from (select * from fl_adzone_info ai1 where ai1.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.阿里妈妈}' and ai1.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai1.extend = '淘宝私人pid') ai1_temp INNER JOIN (select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.多多进宝}' and ai2.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai2.extend='拼多多私人pid') ai2_temp INNER JOIN (select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2.alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.京东联盟}' and ai2.custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}' and ai2.extend='京东私人pid') ai3_temp
INNER JOIN ( select * from fl_adzone_info ai2 where ai2 . alliance_id = ' { ( int ) CpsType . 唯 品 联 盟 } ' and ai2 . custom_type = ' { Resources . SoftwareType } ' and ai2 . extend = ' 唯 品 会 私 人 pid ' ) ai4_temp
on ai1_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id and ai3_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id and ai4_temp . member_id = ai2_temp . member_id ) flag on mi . id = flag . member_id where 1 = 1 { where } ", parm);
return new PageControl . SerchResult ( ) { Result = result . DataList , Total = result . Total } ;
} , gridControl1 , 40 ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 修改显示内容的事件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void gridView1_CustomColumnDisplayText ( object sender , DevExpress . XtraGrid . Views . Base . CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e )
//if ((e.Column.FieldName == "pdd_pid_name" || e.Column.FieldName == "tb_pid_name" || e.Column.FieldName == "jd_pid_name" || e.Column.FieldName == "wph_pid_name" || e.Column.FieldName == "dy_pid_name") && (e.Value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Value.ToString()))) e.DisplayText = "双击设置";
if ( ( e . Column . FieldName = = "pdd_pid_name" | | e . Column . FieldName = = "tb_pid_name" | | e . Column . FieldName = = "jd_pid_name" | | e . Column . FieldName = = "wph_pid_name" ) & & ( e . Value = = null | | string . IsNullOrEmpty ( e . Value . ToString ( ) ) ) ) e . DisplayText = "双击设置" ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void gridView1_RowCellClick ( object sender , DevExpress . XtraGrid . Views . Grid . RowCellClickEventArgs e )
#region 双 击 单 元 格 设 置 推 广 位
var selectRow = gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var id = this . gridView1 . GetRowCellValue ( selectRow , "uid" ) . ToString ( ) ; //获取列的数据
if ( e . Clicks > = 2 )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
2023-04-06 01:07:55 +00:00
var strs = new string [ ] { "淘宝推广位名称" , "拼多多推广位名称" , "京东推广位名称" , "唯品会推广位名称" , "抖音推广位名称" , "抖客推广位名称" } ;
2022-09-20 03:10:29 +00:00
//var pidSortRemark = new string[] { "淘宝私人pid", "拼多多私人pid", "京东私人pid" };//pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
var pidSortRemark = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( PrivateAdzoneType ) ) ; //pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
if ( ! strs . Contains ( e . Column . Caption ) ) return ;
var pidInfos = session . Queryable < fl_adzone_info > ( ) . Where ( f = > f . member_id = = int . Parse ( id ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( pidInfos ! = null & & pidInfos . Count = = 0 )
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = pidSortRemark . Length ; i + + )
var adzone = new fl_adzone_info
custom_type = Resources . SoftwareType ,
extend = pidSortRemark [ i - 1 ] ,
alliance_id = i ,
is_download = false ,
member_id = int . Parse ( id ) ,
onoff = false ,
robot_id = 0 ,
group_id = string . Empty ,
adzone_pid_cps_name = string . Empty ,
adzone_pid = string . Empty ,
adzone_name = string . Empty
} ;
session . Saveable ( adzone ) . ExecuteReturnEntity ( ) ;
pidInfos . Add ( adzone ) ;
fl_adzone_info esbAdzone = null ;
object setAdzoneObj = null ;
Tuiguangwei setAdzone = null ;
if ( e . Column . Caption = = strs [ 0 ] )
setAdzoneObj = CpsClient . SelectTuiguangwei ( CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 ) ;
if ( setAdzoneObj ! = null )
esbAdzone = pidInfos . Where ( f = > f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 0 ] ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
else if ( e . Column . Caption = = strs [ 1 ] )
setAdzoneObj = CpsClient . SelectTuiguangwei ( CpsType . 多 多 进 宝 ) ;
if ( setAdzoneObj ! = null )
esbAdzone = pidInfos . Where ( f = > f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 1 ] ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
else if ( e . Column . Caption = = strs [ 2 ] )
setAdzoneObj = CpsClient . SelectTuiguangwei ( CpsType . 京 东 联 盟 ) ;
if ( setAdzoneObj ! = null )
esbAdzone = pidInfos . Where ( f = > f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 2 ] ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
else if ( e . Column . Caption = = strs [ 3 ] )
setAdzoneObj = CpsClient . SelectTuiguangwei ( CpsType . 唯 品 联 盟 ) ;
if ( setAdzoneObj ! = null )
esbAdzone = pidInfos . Where ( f = > f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 3 ] ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
else if ( e . Column . Caption = = strs [ 4 ] )
setAdzoneObj = CpsClient . SelectTuiguangwei ( CpsType . 抖 音 联 盟 ) ;
if ( setAdzoneObj ! = null )
esbAdzone = pidInfos . Where ( f = > f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 4 ] ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
2023-04-06 01:07:55 +00:00
else if ( e . Column . Caption = = strs [ 5 ] )
setAdzoneObj = CpsClient . SelectTuiguangwei ( CpsType . 抖 客 联 盟 ) ;
if ( setAdzoneObj ! = null )
esbAdzone = pidInfos . Where ( f = > f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 5 ] ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
2022-09-20 03:10:29 +00:00
if ( esbAdzone ! = null & & setAdzoneObj ! = null )
setAdzone = setAdzoneObj as Tuiguangwei ;
//var adzone = session.FindAdzoneInfos(true).FirstOrDefault(f => f.member_id != int.Parse(id) && f.adzone_pid == setAdzone.Pid && f.adzone_pid_cps_name == setAdzone.Member.username && f.adzone_name == setAdzone.Name);
//if (adzone != null)
// throw new Exception("该推广位已经被其插件或用户绑定");
esbAdzone . adzone_name = setAdzone . Name ;
esbAdzone . adzone_pid = setAdzone . Pid ;
esbAdzone . adzone_pid_cps_name = setAdzone . Member . username ;
session . SaveOrUpdate ( esbAdzone ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
#region 开 关 单 元 格 单 击 修 改 状 态
if ( e . Column . FieldName = = "is_auto_bind" & & e . Clicks = = 1 )
if ( ! ( bool ) e . CellValue & & MessageBox . Show ( "该私人推广位是否无条件绑定?" , "系统提示" , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel ) = = DialogResult . Cancel ) return ;
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var adzones = session . FindAdzoneInfos ( ) . Where ( f = > f . member_id = = int . Parse ( id ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( adzones = = null | | adzones . Count = = 0 ) throw new Exception ( "请先设置私人推广位" ) ;
session . ExcuteSQL ( "update fl_adzone_info set is_auto_bind = @is_auto_bind where member_id = @member_id" , new { is_auto_bind = ! adzones [ 0 ] . is_auto_bind , member_id = int . Parse ( id ) } ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void 删 除 选 中 淘 宝 推 广 位 ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var selectRow = gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var uid = this . gridView1 . GetRowCellValue ( selectRow , "uid" ) . ToString ( ) ; //获取列的数据
var pidSortRemark = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( PrivateAdzoneType ) ) ; //pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
var adzone = session . FindAdzoneInfos ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . alliance_id = = ( int ) CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 & & f . member_id = = int . Parse ( uid ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType & & f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( adzone ! = null )
adzone . adzone_name = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid_cps_name = string . Empty ;
session . SaveOrUpdate ( adzone ) ;
ShowSuccess ( "执行成功" ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void 删 除 选 中 拼 多 多 推 广 位 ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var selectRow = gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var uid = this . gridView1 . GetRowCellValue ( selectRow , "uid" ) . ToString ( ) ; //获取列的数据
var pidSortRemark = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( PrivateAdzoneType ) ) ; //pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
var adzone = session . FindAdzoneInfos ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . alliance_id = = ( int ) CpsType . 多 多 进 宝 & & f . member_id = = int . Parse ( uid ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType & & f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( adzone ! = null )
adzone . adzone_name = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid_cps_name = string . Empty ;
session . SaveOrUpdate ( adzone ) ;
ShowSuccess ( "执行成功" ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void 删 除 选 中 京 东 推 广 位 ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var selectRow = gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var uid = this . gridView1 . GetRowCellValue ( selectRow , "uid" ) . ToString ( ) ; //获取列的数据
var pidSortRemark = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( PrivateAdzoneType ) ) ; //pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
var adzone = session . FindAdzoneInfos ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . alliance_id = = ( int ) CpsType . 京 东 联 盟 & & f . member_id = = int . Parse ( uid ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType & & f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( adzone ! = null )
adzone . adzone_name = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid_cps_name = string . Empty ;
session . SaveOrUpdate ( adzone ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
ShowSuccess ( "执行成功" ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening ( object sender , CancelEventArgs e )
var rows = this . gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) ;
if ( ! ( rows ! = null & & rows . Length > 0 ) ) e . Cancel = true ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void 删 除 唯 品 会 推 广 位 ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var selectRow = gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var uid = this . gridView1 . GetRowCellValue ( selectRow , "uid" ) . ToString ( ) ; //获取列的数据
var pidSortRemark = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( PrivateAdzoneType ) ) ; //pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
var adzone = session . FindAdzoneInfos ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . alliance_id = = ( int ) CpsType . 唯 品 联 盟 & & f . member_id = = int . Parse ( uid ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType & & f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( adzone ! = null )
adzone . adzone_name = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid_cps_name = string . Empty ;
session . SaveOrUpdate ( adzone ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
ShowSuccess ( "执行成功" ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
private void 删 除 选 中 抖 音 推 广 位 ToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var selectRow = gridView1 . GetSelectedRows ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var uid = this . gridView1 . GetRowCellValue ( selectRow , "uid" ) . ToString ( ) ; //获取列的数据
var pidSortRemark = Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( PrivateAdzoneType ) ) ; //pid类别备注,值顺序不能变
var adzone = session . FindAdzoneInfos ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . alliance_id = = ( int ) CpsType . 抖 音 联 盟 & & f . member_id = = int . Parse ( uid ) & & f . custom_type = = Resources . SoftwareType & & f . extend = = pidSortRemark [ 4 ] ) ;
if ( adzone ! = null )
adzone . adzone_name = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid = string . Empty ;
adzone . adzone_pid_cps_name = string . Empty ;
session . SaveOrUpdate ( adzone ) ;
pageControl1 . GotoPage ( 1 ) ;
session . FindAdzoneInfos ( true ) ;
ShowSuccess ( "执行成功" ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
ShowError ( ex ) ;
class member_private_config_temp
/// <summary>
/// 用户id (fl_membe_info 表id)
/// </summary>
public long uid { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 机器人类型
/// </summary>
public ChatType robot_type { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 用户账号
/// </summary>
public string username { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 用户昵称
/// </summary>
public string usernick { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 淘宝推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string tb_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 京东推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string jd_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 拼多多推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string pdd_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 唯品会推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string wph_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 抖音推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string dy_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 个人的积分比例
/// </summary>
public long member_id { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 私人推广位是否强制绑定
/// </summary>
public bool is_auto_bind { get ; set ; }
class group_pid_temp
/// <summary>
/// 群账号
/// </summary>
public string groupid { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 群昵称
/// </summary>
public string extend { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 淘宝推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string tb_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 京东推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string jd_pid_name { get ; set ; }
/// <summary>
/// 拼多多推广位名称
/// </summary>
public string pdd_pid_name { get ; set ; }
///// <summary>
///// 个人的积分比例
///// </summary>
//public long member_id { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 私人推广位是否强制绑定
///// </summary>
//public bool is_auto_bind { get; set; }