2022-09-20 03:10:29 +00:00
using Api.Framework ;
using Api.Framework.Enums ;
using Api.Framework.Events ;
using Api.Framework.Model ;
using Api.Framework.SDK ;
using Api.Framework.Tools ;
using Chat.Framework ;
using Chat.Framework.WXSdk ;
using Chat.Framework.WXSdk.Implement ;
using CsharpHttpHelper ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Threading ;
using TBRebate.Entitys ;
using TBRebate.Properties ;
using TBRebate.Uses ;
using static Api . Framework . Cps . AlimamaApi ;
using static TBRebate . Enums ;
namespace TBRebate
public class Class1 : Plugin
public Class1 ( )
this . Logo = Resources . 淘 宝 ;
this . Name = Resources . PluginName ;
this . Note = Resources . PluginNote ;
#region 自 定 义 变 量
public static Config Config ;
private MainForm mainForm = null ;
public override void Start ( )
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
#region 判 断 表 是 否 存 在 , 不 存 在 创 建 表
if ( session . TableExist < fl_plugin_tbrebate_tbtgw > ( ) )
var tbtgws = session . Find < fl_plugin_tbrebate_tbtgw > ( "select * from fl_plugin_tbrebate_tbtgw" ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( tbtgws ! = null )
foreach ( var item in tbtgws )
session . Insertable ( new fl_adzone_info ( )
adzone_name = item . pid_chief_name , //推广位名称
adzone_pid = item . pid_chief , //推广位pid
adzone_pid_cps_name = item . pid_chief_cps_name , //推广位cps名称
alliance_id = ( int ) CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 , //联盟id
robot_id = item . robot_id , //机器人id
group_id = string . Empty , //群id
is_download = false , //不下载
member_id = 0 , //私人id
onoff = item . onoff , //不禁用
custom_type = Resources . SoftwareType , //自定义类型
extend = "chief"
} ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
session . Insertable ( new fl_adzone_info ( )
adzone_name = item . pid_deputy_name , //推广位名称
adzone_pid = item . pid_deputy , //推广位pid
adzone_pid_cps_name = item . pid_deputy_cps_name , //推广位cps名称
alliance_id = ( int ) CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 , //联盟id
robot_id = item . robot_id , //机器人id
group_id = string . Empty , //群id
is_download = false , //不下载
member_id = 0 , //私人id
onoff = item . onoff , //不禁用
custom_type = Resources . SoftwareType , //自定义类型
extend = "deputy"
} ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
session . DropTable < fl_plugin_tbrebate_tbtgw > ( ) ;
if ( ! session . TableExist < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( ) )
session . CreateTable < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( ) ;
session . AddIndex < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( "itemid" ) ; //增加索引.
session . AddIndex < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( "losetime" ) ; //增加索引.
Config = this . ReadConfig < Config > ( ) ;
SDK . ReciveIMEvent + = SDK_ReciveIMEvent ;
SDK . OrderNoticeEvent + = SDK_OrderNoticeEvent ;
SDK . WebRequestEvent + = SDK_WebRequestEvent ;
InitIgnoreidsCache ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
this . OnLog ( ex . Message ) ;
private void SDK_WebRequestEvent ( object sender , WebRequestEvents e )
if ( e . Param . ContainsKey ( "method" ) ) //方法名称
var method = e . Param [ "method" ] . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( method )
case "tbitem" :
var resultJson = string . Empty ;
if ( ! e . Param . ContainsKey ( "ids" ) ) throw new Exception ( "缺少参数ids" ) ;
var ids = e . Param [ "ids" ] . ToString ( ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( ids ) )
var idList = ids . Replace ( ", " , "," ) . Split ( new string [ ] { "," } , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( idList . Count ! = 0 )
InitIgnoreidsCache ( idList ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
e . Send ( ex . Message , 100 ) ;
return ;
e . Send ( "请求成功" , 200 ) ;
break ;
catch ( Exception ex )
this . OnLog ( "淘宝返利web接收数据异常: " + ex . Message ) ;
public static List < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ignoreidsCache = new List < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( ) ;
private void InitIgnoreidsCache ( List < string > idList = null )
var nowTime = HttpExtend . GetTimeStamp ( DateTime . Now ) ;
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var temps = new List < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( ) ;
var ignoreids = session . Find < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( "select * from fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids" ) ;
if ( ignoreids ! = null & & ignoreids . Count ! = 0 )
temps = ignoreids . Where ( f = > f . losetime < nowTime ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( temps ! = null & & temps . Count ! = 0 )
session . Deleteable ( temps ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
temps = ignoreids . Where ( f = > f . losetime > = nowTime ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( idList ! = null )
foreach ( var itemid in idList )
var temp = temps . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . itemid = = itemid ) ;
if ( temp = = null )
session . Insertable ( new fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids ( ) { itemid = itemid , losetime = HttpExtend . GetTimeStamp ( DateTime . Now . AddDays ( 2 ) ) } ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
temp . losetime = HttpExtend . GetTimeStamp ( DateTime . Now . AddDays ( 2 ) ) ;
session . Updateable ( temp ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
ignoreidsCache = session . Find < fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids > ( "select * from fl_plugin_tbrebate_ignoreids" ) ;
public override void ShowForm ( )
if ( mainForm = = null | | mainForm . IsDisposed )
mainForm = new MainForm ( ) ;
mainForm . Show ( ) ;
mainForm . TopMost = true ;
mainForm . TopMost = false ;
catch ( Exception ex )
this . OnLog ( ex . Message ) ;
public override void Stop ( )
SessionExt . Clear ( ) ;
if ( mainForm ! = null )
mainForm . CloseForm ( ) ;
mainForm = null ;
catch ( Exception ex )
this . OnLog ( ex . Message ) ;
public void SDK_OrderNoticeEvent ( object sender , OrderNoticeEvent e )
if ( e . ChatType = = CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 )
//this.OnLog("淘宝订单:" + HttpHelper.ObjectToJson(e));
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var order_tb = e . Order as fl_order_alimama ;
if ( order_tb = = null ) return ;
if ( e . Member ! = null )
2022-09-26 09:04:23 +00:00
if ( ApiClient . IsBlackFlMemberInfo ( e . Member ) )
return ;
2022-09-20 03:10:29 +00:00
#region 订 单 变 化 通 知 消 息
var robot_info = session . FindRobotInfo ( e . Member . robot_name . Trim ( ) , e . Member . robot_type ) ;
if ( robot_info ! = null )
var mess = string . Empty ;
var point = HttpHelper . JsonToObject < ItemPoint > ( order_tb . db_point ) as ItemPoint ;
#region 下 单 用 户 订 单 检 测 ( 防 撸 )
if ( e . Customer = = null )
var prevent_theft_cache = session . FindSingle < fl_prevent_theft_cache > ( "select * from fl_prevent_theft_cache where order_id = @order_id" , new { order_id = order_tb . trade_id } ) ; //防止上级多次触发
if ( prevent_theft_cache = = null )
var isHint = false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( order_tb . seller_id ) & & e . Member . status ! = MemberType . 白 名 单 )
#region 同 一 店 铺 多 次 购 买 ( 同 一 商 品 )
if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_SameCommodity_Switch )
var frequency = session . Find < fl_order_alimama > ( "select * from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @db_userid and num_iid = @num_iid" , new { db_userid = order_tb . db_userid , num_iid = order_tb . num_iid } ) . Count ; //获取同价店铺同一件商品购买的次数
if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_SameCommodity_Number < = frequency )
if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_SameCommodity_OperateType = = OperateType . 拉 入 黑 名 单 )
if ( ! session . TemporaryBypassedBlack ( e . Member ) )
e . Member . status = MemberType . 黑 名 单 ; //拉入黑名单
session . SaveOrUpdate ( e . Member ) ;
session . FindBlacklistMemberInfos ( true ) ; //刷新黑名单缓存
ApiClient . SendMessage ( robot_info , e . Member . username , new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . Blocked_RestrictTip , order_tb , e . Member , point ) , order_tb . msg_groupid ) ;
ApiClient . SendNoticeMessage ( $ @ "嫌疑用户拉黑
— — — —
事 件 类 型 : 订 单 检 测
微 信 账 号 : { robot_info . name }
微 信 昵 称 : { robot_info . nick }
客 户 账 号 : { e . Member . username }
客 户 昵 称 : { e . Member . usernick }
拉 黑 原 因 : 用 户 购 买 同 一 商 品 { frequency } 次 ", Config.notice_robotname);
e . Cancel = true ;
prevent_theft_cache = new fl_prevent_theft_cache ( ) ;
prevent_theft_cache . operate_type = Class1 . Config . AShop_SameCommodity_OperateType ;
prevent_theft_cache . member_id = e . Member . id ;
prevent_theft_cache . item_id = order_tb . num_iid ;
prevent_theft_cache . mall_id = order_tb . seller_id ;
prevent_theft_cache . order_id = order_tb . trade_id ;
prevent_theft_cache . cps_type = CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 ;
session . Insertable ( prevent_theft_cache ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
if ( Config . AShop_SameCommodity_UserTop )
if ( robot_info . type = = ChatType . 微 信 )
var wx = ChatClient . WXClient . Values . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . WeixinHao = = robot_info . name /*&& f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信*/ ) ;
if ( wx ! = null )
//var ipad = wx as WXClientImpl_IPAD;
//if (ipad != null)
// ipad.EditContacts(e.Member.username, EditContactsType.置顶, e.Member.usernick);
wx . EditContacts ( e . Member . username , EditContactsType . 置 顶 , e . Member . usernick ) ;
return ;
else if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_SameCommodity_OperateType = = OperateType . 通 知 钉 钉 群 )
ApiClient . SendNoticeMessage ( $ @ "嫌疑用户警告
— — — —
事 件 类 型 : 订 单 检 测
微 信 账 号 : { robot_info . name }
微 信 昵 称 : { robot_info . nick }
客 户 账 号 : { e . Member . username }
客 户 昵 称 : { e . Member . usernick }
警 告 原 因 : 用 户 购 买 同 一 商 品 { frequency } 次 ", Config.notice_robotname);
isHint = true ;
#region 同 一 店 铺 多 次 购 买 ( 不 同 商 品 )
if ( ! isHint & & Class1 . Config . AShop_DifferentCommodity_Switch )
var frequency = session . Find < fl_order_alimama > ( "select * from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @db_userid and seller_id = @seller_id" , new { db_userid = order_tb . db_userid , seller_id = order_tb . seller_id } ) . Count ;
if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_DifferentCommodity_Number < = frequency )
if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_DifferentCommodity_OperateType = = OperateType . 拉 入 黑 名 单 )
if ( ! session . TemporaryBypassedBlack ( e . Member ) )
e . Member . status = MemberType . 黑 名 单 ; //拉入黑名单
session . SaveOrUpdate ( e . Member ) ;
session . FindBlacklistMemberInfos ( true ) ; //刷新黑名单缓存
ApiClient . SendMessage ( robot_info , e . Member . username , new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . Blocked_RestrictTip , order_tb , e . Member , point ) , order_tb . msg_groupid ) ;
ApiClient . SendNoticeMessage ( $ @ "嫌疑用户拉黑
— — — —
事 件 类 型 : 订 单 检 测
微 信 账 号 : { robot_info . name }
微 信 昵 称 : { robot_info . nick }
客 户 账 号 : { e . Member . username }
客 户 昵 称 : { e . Member . usernick }
拉 黑 原 因 : 用 户 在 同 家 店 铺 购 买 { frequency } 次 ", Config.notice_robotname);
e . Cancel = true ;
prevent_theft_cache = new fl_prevent_theft_cache ( ) ;
prevent_theft_cache . operate_type = Class1 . Config . AShop_DifferentCommodity_OperateType ;
prevent_theft_cache . member_id = e . Member . id ;
prevent_theft_cache . item_id = order_tb . num_iid ;
prevent_theft_cache . mall_id = order_tb . seller_id ;
prevent_theft_cache . order_id = order_tb . trade_id ;
prevent_theft_cache . cps_type = CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 ;
session . Insertable ( prevent_theft_cache ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
if ( Config . AShop_DifferentCommodity_UserTop )
if ( robot_info . type = = ChatType . 微 信 )
var wx = ChatClient . WXClient . Values . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . WeixinHao = = robot_info . name /*&& f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信*/ ) ;
if ( wx ! = null )
//var ipad = wx as WXClientImpl_IPAD;
//if (ipad != null)
// ipad.EditContacts(e.Member.username, EditContactsType.置顶, e.Member.usernick);
wx . EditContacts ( e . Member . username , EditContactsType . 置 顶 , e . Member . usernick ) ;
return ;
else if ( Class1 . Config . AShop_DifferentCommodity_OperateType = = OperateType . 通 知 钉 钉 群 )
ApiClient . SendNoticeMessage ( $ @ "嫌疑用户警告
— — — —
事 件 类 型 : 订 单 检 测
微 信 账 号 : { robot_info . name }
微 信 昵 称 : { robot_info . nick }
客 户 账 号 : { e . Member . username }
客 户 昵 称 : { e . Member . usernick }
警 告 原 因 : 用 户 在 同 家 店 铺 购 买 { frequency } 次 ", Config.notice_robotname);
isHint = true ;
#region 收 货 时 间 验 证 时 长
if ( ! isHint & & Class1 . Config . ReceivingTimeCheck_Switch & & order_tb . tk_status = = ( int ) AlimamaOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 & & e . Member . status ! = MemberType . 白 名 单 )
if ( order_tb . earning_time ! = DateTime . MinValue )
var timeLag = ( int ) Math . Floor ( ( order_tb . earning_time - order_tb . create_time ) . TotalHours ) ;
if ( timeLag < = Class1 . Config . ReceivingTimeCheck_Hour )
if ( Class1 . Config . ReceivingTimeCheck_OperateType = = OperateType . 拉 入 黑 名 单 )
if ( ! session . TemporaryBypassedBlack ( e . Member ) )
e . Member . status = MemberType . 黑 名 单 ; //拉入黑名单
session . SaveOrUpdate ( e . Member ) ;
session . FindBlacklistMemberInfos ( true ) ; //刷新黑名单缓存
ApiClient . SendMessage ( robot_info , e . Member . username , new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . Blocked_RestrictTip , order_tb , e . Member , point ) , order_tb . msg_groupid ) ;
ApiClient . SendNoticeMessage ( $ @ "嫌疑用户拉黑
— — — —
事 件 类 型 : 订 单 检 测
微 信 账 号 : { robot_info . name }
微 信 昵 称 : { robot_info . nick }
客 户 账 号 : { e . Member . username }
客 户 昵 称 : { e . Member . usernick }
拉 黑 原 因 : 订 单 收 货 时 间 间 隔 { timeLag } 小 时 ", Config.notice_robotname);
e . Cancel = true ;
prevent_theft_cache = new fl_prevent_theft_cache ( ) ;
prevent_theft_cache . operate_type = Class1 . Config . ReceivingTimeCheck_OperateType ;
prevent_theft_cache . member_id = e . Member . id ;
prevent_theft_cache . item_id = order_tb . num_iid ;
prevent_theft_cache . mall_id = order_tb . seller_id ;
prevent_theft_cache . order_id = order_tb . trade_id ;
prevent_theft_cache . cps_type = CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 ;
session . Insertable ( prevent_theft_cache ) . ExecuteCommand ( ) ;
if ( Config . ReceivingTimeCheck_UserTop )
if ( robot_info . type = = ChatType . 微 信 )
var wx = ChatClient . WXClient . Values . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . WeixinHao = = robot_info . name /*&& f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信*/ ) ;
if ( wx ! = null )
//var ipad = wx as WXClientImpl_IPAD;
//if (ipad != null)
//ipad.EditContacts(e.Member.username, EditContactsType.置顶, e.Member.usernick);
wx . EditContacts ( e . Member . username , EditContactsType . 置 顶 , e . Member . usernick ) ;
return ;
else if ( Class1 . Config . ReceivingTimeCheck_OperateType = = OperateType . 通 知 钉 钉 群 )
ApiClient . SendNoticeMessage ( $ @ "嫌疑用户警告
— — — —
事 件 类 型 : 订 单 检 测
微 信 账 号 : { robot_info . name }
微 信 昵 称 : { robot_info . nick }
客 户 账 号 : { e . Member . username }
客 户 昵 称 : { e . Member . usernick }
警 告 原 因 : 订 单 收 货 时 间 间 隔 { timeLag } 小 时 ", Config.notice_robotname);
switch ( e . OrderNoticeType )
case OrderNoticeType . 客 户 订 单 :
if ( Config . UserOrderChangeSwitch = = SwitchType . 开 启 & & ! ApiClient . Setting . SystemConfig . message_warning_switch )
#region 淘 礼 金 订 单 只 提 示 付 款 / 结 算
var is_tlj = session . CheckIsTljOrder ( order_tb . adzone_id ) ;
if ( ! is_tlj )
mess = _GetOrderStateMess ( order_tb . db_status , SettleType . 未 结 算 提 示 , order_tb , e . Member , point ) ;
if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 付 款 )
mess = Config . TljPaymentTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 )
mess = Config . TljSettlementTip ;
else //淘礼金其他订单状态不给用户提示
return ;
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( mess , order_tb , e . Member , point ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( e . Member . username ) & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( mess ) )
ApiClient . SendMessage ( robot_info , e . Member . username , mess , order_tb . msg_groupid ) ;
return ;
case OrderNoticeType . 一 级 提 成 :
if ( Config . AgentReceivedCommissionSwitch = = SwitchType . 开 启 )
if ( e . Customer ! = null & & point . AwardOne ! = 0 )
if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 维 权 中 )
mess = Config . ClientOrderRefund_OneLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 付 款 )
mess = Config . OrderPaymentInform_OneLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 失 效 )
mess = Config . OrderCountermandInform_OneLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 )
mess = Config . OrderSettlement_OneLevelTip ;
break ;
case OrderNoticeType . 二 级 提 成 :
if ( Config . AgentReceivedCommissionSwitch = = SwitchType . 开 启 )
if ( e . Customer ! = null )
if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 维 权 中 )
mess = Config . ClientOrderRefund_TwoLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 付 款 )
mess = Config . OrderPaymentInform_TwoLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 失 效 )
mess = Config . OrderCountermandInform_TwoLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 )
mess = Config . OrderSettlement_TwoLevelTip ;
break ;
case OrderNoticeType . 三 级 提 成 :
if ( Config . AgentReceivedCommissionSwitch = = SwitchType . 开 启 )
if ( e . Customer ! = null )
if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 维 权 中 )
mess = Config . ClientOrderRefund_ThreeLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 付 款 )
mess = Config . OrderPaymentInform_ThreeLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 失 效 )
mess = Config . OrderCountermandInform_ThreeLevelTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 )
mess = Config . OrderSettlement_ThreeLevelTip ;
break ;
case OrderNoticeType . 群 主 分 成 :
if ( Config . PrincipalReceivedCommissionSwitch = = SwitchType . 开 启 )
if ( e . Customer ! = null )
if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 维 权 中 )
mess = Config . ClientOrderRefund_LeaderTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 付 款 )
mess = Config . OrderPaymentInform_LeaderTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 失 效 )
mess = Config . OrderCountermandInform_LeaderTip ;
else if ( order_tb . db_status = = SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 )
mess = Config . OrderSettlement_LeaderTip ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( ! ApiClient . Setting . SystemConfig . message_warning_switch & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( e . Member . username ) & & ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( mess ) )
ApiClient . SendMessage ( robot_info , e . Member . username , new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( mess , order_tb , e . Member , point ) . Replace ( "[下级昵称]" , e . Customer . realnick ? ? "" ) ) ;
#region 多 人 查 询 通 知 消 息
var querys = session . Find < queryhist_temp > ( "select robot_name,type,userid from fl_query_hist where itemid=@itemid and adzoneid = @adzoneid and userid > 0 and crt_time>@time and is_multiple=@is_multiple group by userid,type,robot_name" , new { itemid = order_tb . num_iid , adzoneid = order_tb . adzone_id , time = DateTime . Now . AddHours ( - 24 ) . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) , is_multiple = false } ) ;
if ( querys . Count > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < querys . Count ; i + + )
if ( querys [ i ] . type ! = CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 ) continue ;
var unbound_count = int . Parse ( session . FindTable ( $"select count(id) as num from fl_order_alimama where trade_parent_id = @trade_parent_id and db_userid != 0" , new { trade_parent_id = order_tb . trade_parent_id } ) . Rows [ 0 ] [ "num" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( unbound_count ! = 0 ) break ; //已经被绑定直接停止
var queryhist_temp = querys [ i ] ;
var userid = queryhist_temp . userid ;
var robot_name = queryhist_temp . robot_name ;
var robot_info = session . Find < fl_robot_info > ( "select * from fl_robot_info where name = @name" , new { name = robot_name } ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ; //机器人类型应该是没有的,直接通过机器人name查询机器人信息
if ( robot_info ! = null )
Thread . Sleep ( 5000 ) ;
var wxbase = Chat . Framework . ChatClient . WXClient . Values . ToList ( ) . FirstOrDefault ( f = > f . WeixinHao = = robot_name ) ;
if ( wxbase ! = null /*&& wxbase.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信*/ & & wxbase . Status = = WxStatus . 在 线 )
var member = session . FindMemberInfoById ( userid ) ;
if ( member ! = null )
ApiClient . SendMessage ( robot_info , member . username , Config . LotUserQueryBindTip . Replace ( "[商品标题]" , order_tb . item_title ) ) ;
//session.ExcuteSQL("update fl_query_hist set userid = @newuserid where itemid = @itemid and adzoneid = @adzoneid and robot_name = @robotname and userid = @userid", new { newuserid = (i - querys.Count + 1), itemid = order_tb.num_iid, adzoneid = order_tb.adzone_id, robotname = robot_name, userid = member.id });
session . ExcuteSQL ( "update fl_query_hist set is_multiple = @is_multiple where itemid = @itemid and adzoneid = @adzoneid and robot_name = @robotname and userid = @userid" , new { is_multiple = true , itemid = order_tb . num_iid , adzoneid = order_tb . adzone_id , robotname = robot_name , userid = member . id } ) ;
catch ( Exception )
{ }
catch ( Exception ex )
this . OnLog ( ex . Message ) ;
private void SDK_ReciveIMEvent ( object sender , ReciveIMEvent e )
//if (e.Message == "1")
// string url = ApiClient.SendWechatPay(new { robot_nick = e.RobotNick, robot_name = e.RobotName, username = e.Username, usernick = e.NickName }, "测试", 0.3, out var ispaid, out var appinfo);
// Console.WriteLine(url);
//var hook = sender as WXClientImpl_HOOK;
2022-10-20 15:27:20 +00:00
//var ss = hook.AutoAuthMiniAPPLogin("wx84c80fde68ef77b6");
2022-09-20 03:10:29 +00:00
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// var wx = sender as WXClientImpl_HOOK;
// wx.SendCircle(sss);
// return;
if ( ( e . Message . Contains ( @"<appmsg appid=" ) | | e . Message . Contains ( @"<msg><emoji" ) | | e . Message . StartsWith ( "[声音=" ) ) & & ! e . Message . Contains ( @"点击链接,再选择浏览器咑閞" ) ) return ;
if ( ! OrderHelper . IsCurrentCpsMess ( e . Message , CpsType . 阿 里 妈 妈 ) ) return ;
var session = ApiClient . GetSession ( ) ;
var _member = e . GetMemberinfo ( ) ;
var mOper = new MessageOperation ( sender , e , this ) ;
if ( mOper . BindOrderId ( ) ) return ;
//var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
var flag = mOper . AnalyseFanLi ( ) ;
//this.OnLog($"用时间 {e.NickName}({e.Username}) => {e.Message} => " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.0000"));
if ( flag ) return ;
catch ( Exception ex )
this . OnLog ( $"淘宝返利插件异常.:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}" ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 订单状态 提示语替换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="order"></param>
/// <param name="objs"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string _GetOrderStateMess ( SystemOrderStatus order , SettleType settle , params object [ ] objs )
var mess = string . Empty ;
switch ( order )
case SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 付 款 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . OrderPaymentTip , objs ) ;
break ;
case SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 失 效 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . OrderFailureTip , objs ) ;
break ;
case SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 维 权 中 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . OrderRefundTip , objs ) ;
break ;
case SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 结 算 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( settle = = SettleType . 未 结 算 提 示 ? Config . OrderSettlementTip : Config . OrderAlreadySettlementTip , objs ) ;
break ;
case SystemOrderStatus . 订 单 冻 结 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . OrderFreezeTip , objs ) ;
break ;
case SystemOrderStatus . 全 额 退 款 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . OrderFrozen_AllTip , objs ) ;
break ;
case SystemOrderStatus . 部 分 退 款 :
mess = new VariateReplace ( ) . CommonReplace ( Config . OrderFrozen_PartTip , objs ) ;
break ;
return mess ;