using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace SqlSugar { public class OracleInsertable : InsertableProvider where T : class, new() { protected override List GetIdentityKeys() { return this.EntityInfo.Columns.Where(it => it.OracleSequenceName.HasValue()).Select(it => it.DbColumnName).ToList(); } protected string GetSeqName() { return this.EntityInfo.Columns.Where(it => it.OracleSequenceName.HasValue()).Select(it => it.OracleSequenceName).First(); } protected List GetSeqNames() { return this.EntityInfo.Columns.Where(it => it.OracleSequenceName.HasValue()).Select(it => it.OracleSequenceName).ToList(); } public override int ExecuteReturnIdentity() { InsertBuilder.IsReturnIdentity = true; PreToSql(); string sql = InsertBuilder.ToSqlString(); RestoreMapping(); var isDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = this.Context.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation; this.Context.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = true; var count = Ado.ExecuteCommand(sql, InsertBuilder.Parameters == null ? null : InsertBuilder.Parameters.ToArray()); var result = (this.GetIdentityKeys().IsNullOrEmpty() || count == 0) ? 0 : GetSeqValue(GetSeqName()).ObjToInt(); this.Context.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = isDisableMasterSlaveSeparation; return result; } public override long ExecuteReturnBigIdentity() { InsertBuilder.IsReturnIdentity = true; PreToSql(); string sql = InsertBuilder.ToSqlString(); RestoreMapping(); var isDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = this.Context.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation; this.Context.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = true; var count = Ado.ExecuteCommand(sql, InsertBuilder.Parameters == null ? null : InsertBuilder.Parameters.ToArray()); var result = (this.GetIdentityKeys().IsNullOrEmpty() || count == 0) ? 0 :Convert.ToInt64(GetSeqValue(GetSeqName())); this.Context.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = isDisableMasterSlaveSeparation; return result; } public override int ExecuteCommand() { base.ExecuteCommand(); return base.InsertObjs.Count(); } private object GetSeqValue(string seqName) { return Ado.GetScalar(" SELECT " + seqName + ".currval FROM DUAL"); } protected override void PreToSql() { var identities = GetSeqNames(); var insertCount = InsertObjs.Count(); InsertBuilder.OracleSeqInfoList = new Dictionary(); if (identities.HasValue() && insertCount > 1) { Check.Exception(identities.Count != identities.Distinct().Count(), "The field sequence needs to be unique"); foreach (var seqName in identities) { int seqBeginValue = 0; this.Ado.ExecuteCommand("alter sequence " + seqName + " increment by " + insertCount); seqBeginValue = this.Ado.GetInt("select " + seqName + ".Nextval from dual") - insertCount; this.Ado.ExecuteCommand("alter sequence " + seqName + " increment by " + 1); InsertBuilder.OracleSeqInfoList.Add(seqName, seqBeginValue); } } base.PreToSql(); } } }