using Api.Framework; using Api.Framework.Cps; using Api.Framework.Enums; using Api.Framework.Model; using Api.Framework.Tools; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using UI.Framework.Controls; using UI.Framework.Forms; using Weixin.CircleTools.Entitys; using Weixin.CircleTools.Properties; namespace Weixin.CircleTools { public partial class SetTGWForm : BaseForm { public SetTGWForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = Resources.AutoTurnTGWFormTitle; } private void SetTGWForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { #region 加载所有的账号 pageControl1.Bind((page, size) => { var session = ApiClient.GetSession(); var parm = session.NewParamMap(); parm.setPageParamters(page, size); var result = session.FindPage($"select as ID,ri.type as chattype, as name,ri.nick as nick,flag.adzone_pid as adzone_pid,flag.adzone_name as adzone_name,flag.adzone_pid_cps_name as adzone_pid_cps_name,flag2.adzone_pid as adzone_pid_jd,flag2.adzone_name as adzone_name_jd,flag2.adzone_pid_cps_name as adzone_pid_cps_name_jd ,flag.onoff as onoff from fl_robot_info ri left join (select as ID,r.type as chattype, as name,r.nick as nick,a.adzone_pid as adzone_pid,a.adzone_name as adzone_name,a.onoff as onoff,a.adzone_pid_cps_name as adzone_pid_cps_name from fl_robot_info r left join fl_adzone_info a on = a.robot_id where alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.阿里妈妈}' and custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}') flag on = flag.ID left join (select as ID,r.type as chattype, as name,r.nick as nick,a.adzone_pid as adzone_pid,a.adzone_name as adzone_name,a.onoff as onoff,a.adzone_pid_cps_name as adzone_pid_cps_name from fl_robot_info r left join fl_adzone_info a on = a.robot_id where alliance_id = '{(int)CpsType.京东联盟}' and custom_type = '{Resources.SoftwareType}') flag2 on = flag2.ID", parm); return new PageControl.SerchResult() { Result = result.DataList, Total = result.Total }; }, gridControl1, 40, true, true); label1.Visible = gridView2.RowCount == 0; #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } private void gridView2_RowCellClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellClickEventArgs e) { try { #region 双击单元格设置推广位 var selectRow = gridView2.GetSelectedRows()[0]; var id = this.gridView2.GetRowCellValue(selectRow, "ID").ToString();//获取列的数据 //点击数大于2弹出窗体进行推广位的选择 if (e.Clicks >= 2) { var session = ApiClient.GetSession(); if (e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name") { var tgwObj = CpsClient.SelectTuiguangwei(CpsType.阿里妈妈); if (tgwObj != null) { var tgw = tgwObj as Tuiguangwei; #region 淘宝推广位 var adzone = session.FindAdzoneInfos().FirstOrDefault(f => f.alliance_id == (int)CpsType.阿里妈妈 && f.custom_type == Resources.SoftwareType && f.robot_id == long.Parse(id)); if (adzone != null)//数据库中存在的情况 { if (e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name") { adzone.adzone_pid_cps_name = tgw.Member.username; adzone.adzone_pid = tgw.Pid; adzone.adzone_name = tgw.Name; } session.SaveOrUpdate(adzone); } else { //session.BeginTransaction(); try { if (e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name") adzone = new fl_adzone_info() { custom_type = Resources.SoftwareType, //自定义类型 adzone_name = tgw.Name, //推广位名称 adzone_pid = tgw.Pid, //推广位pid adzone_pid_cps_name = tgw.Member.username, //推广位cps名称 alliance_id = (int)CpsType.阿里妈妈, //联盟id robot_id = int.Parse(id), //机器人id group_id = string.Empty, //群id member_id = 0, //私人id is_download = false, //不下载 onoff = false //不禁用 }; session.SaveOrUpdate(adzone); if (0 == throw new Exception("对不起,推广位设置异常,请稍后重试!"); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } #endregion } } //if (e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name_jd") //{ // var tgw = CpsClient.SelectTuiguangwei(CpsType.京东联盟); // if (tgw != null) // { // #region 京东推广位 // var adzone_jd = session.FindAdzoneInfos().FirstOrDefault(f => f.alliance_id == (int)CpsType.京东联盟 && f.custom_type == Resources.SoftwareType && f.robot_id == long.Parse(id)); // if (adzone_jd != null)//数据库中存在的情况 // { // if (e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name_jd") // { // adzone_jd.adzone_pid_cps_name = tgw.Member.username; // adzone_jd.adzone_pid = tgw.Pid; // adzone_jd.adzone_name = tgw.Name; // } // session.SaveOrUpdate(adzone_jd); // } // else // { // //session.BeginTransaction(); // try // { // if (e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name_jd") // adzone_jd = new fl_adzone_info() // { // custom_type = Resources.SoftwareType, //自定义类型 // adzone_name = tgw.Name, //推广位名称 // adzone_pid = tgw.Pid, //推广位pid // adzone_pid_cps_name = tgw.Member.username, //推广位cps名称 // alliance_id = (int)CpsType.京东联盟, //联盟id // robot_id = int.Parse(id), //机器人id // group_id = string.Empty, //群id // member_id = 0, //私人id // is_download = false, //不下载 // onoff = false //不禁用 // }; // session.SaveOrUpdate(adzone_jd); // if (0 == // throw new Exception("对不起,推广位设置异常,请稍后重试!"); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // ShowError(ex); // } // } // #endregion // } //} pageControl1.GotoPage(1); session.FindTbInfoTempGroups(true); label1.Visible = gridView2.RowCount == 0; session.FindAdzoneInfos(true); } #endregion #region 开关单元格双击修改状态 if (e.Column.FieldName == "onoff") { if (e.Clicks == 1) { if (!(bool)e.CellValue && MessageBox.Show("该微信推广位确定禁用?", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel) return; var session = ApiClient.GetSession(); var adzone = session.FindAdzoneInfos().FirstOrDefault(f => f.alliance_id == (int)CpsType.阿里妈妈 && f.custom_type == Resources.SoftwareType && f.robot_id == long.Parse(id)); if (adzone != null)//数据库中存在的情况,并且推广位设置了 adzone.onoff = !adzone.onoff; else adzone = new fl_adzone_info() { custom_type = Resources.SoftwareType, //自定义类型 adzone_name = string.Empty, //推广位名称 adzone_pid = string.Empty, //推广位pid adzone_pid_cps_name = string.Empty, //推广位cps名称 alliance_id = (int)CpsType.阿里妈妈, //联盟id robot_id = int.Parse(id), //机器人id group_id = string.Empty, //群id member_id = 0, //私人id is_download = false, //不下载 onoff = true //不禁用 }; session.SaveOrUpdate(adzone); pageControl1.GotoPage(1); label1.Visible = gridView2.RowCount == 0; session.FindTbInfoTempGroups(true); session.FindAdzoneInfos(true); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } private void gridView2_CustomColumnDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e) { try { if ((e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name" || e.Column.FieldName == "adzone_name_jd") && (e.Value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Value.ToString()))) e.DisplayText = "双击设置"; } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } private void 删除选中阿里妈妈推广位ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var selectRow = gridView2.GetSelectedRows()[0]; var id = this.gridView2.GetRowCellValue(selectRow, "ID").ToString();//获取列的数据 var session = ApiClient.GetSession(); var adzone = session.FindAdzoneInfos().FirstOrDefault(f => f.alliance_id == (int)CpsType.阿里妈妈 && f.custom_type == Resources.SoftwareType && f.robot_id == long.Parse(id)); if (adzone != null)//数据库中存在的情况 { session.Deleteable(adzone).ExecuteCommand(); pageControl1.GotoPage(1); session.FindTbInfoTempGroups(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } private void 删除选中京东推广位ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var selectRow = gridView2.GetSelectedRows()[0]; var id = this.gridView2.GetRowCellValue(selectRow, "ID").ToString();//获取列的数据 var session = ApiClient.GetSession(); var adzone_jd = session.FindAdzoneInfos().FirstOrDefault(f => f.alliance_id == (int)CpsType.京东联盟 && f.custom_type == Resources.SoftwareType && f.robot_id == long.Parse(id)); if (adzone_jd != null)//数据库中存在的情况 { session.Deleteable(adzone_jd).ExecuteCommand(); pageControl1.GotoPage(1); session.FindTbInfoTempGroups(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } } }