Microsoft.Owin.Cors Extension methods for adding CorsMiddleware to an application pipeline. Adds a CORS middleware to your web application pipeline to allow cross domain requests. The IAppBuilder passed to your configuration method An options class that controls the middleware behavior The original app parameter Processes requests according to the provided cross domain policy. Creates a new instance of CorsMiddleware. Evaluates and applies the CORS policy. Responses will be generated for preflight requests. Requests that are permitted by the CORS policy will be passed onto the next middleware. Contains the options used by the CorsMiddleware A policy that allows all headers, all methods, any origin and supports credentials The cors policy to apply The cors engine A pluggable CORS policy provider that always returns null by default. Defines how to select a CORS policy for a given request. Selects a CORS policy to apply for the given request. The CORS policy to apply to the request, or null if no policy applies and the request should be passed through to the next middleware. Creates a new CorsPolicyProvider instance. Executes the PolicyResolver unless overridden by a subclass. A pluggable callback that will be used to select the CORS policy for the given requests.