using Api.Framework; using Api.Framework.Enums; using Api.Framework.Model; using Api.Framework.Tools; using FLSystem.Events; using FLSystem.Properties; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using UI.Framework.Forms; namespace FLSystem.Forms { public partial class group_info_form : BaseForm { string gid = string.Empty; string gname = string.Empty; public group_info_form(string gid = "", string gname = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.gid = gid; this.gname = gname; } private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textEdit1.Text)) throw new Exception("请填写群昵称"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textEdit2.Text)) throw new Exception("请填写群账号"); if (textEdit2.Text.Length > 30) throw new Exception("填写的群账号不合法"); var session = ApiClient.GetSession(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gid)) { var adzone = session.FindSingle("select * from fl_adzone_info where group_id = @group_id and custom_type = @custom_type", new { group_id = gid, custom_type = Resources.GroupSoftwareType }); var pidInfos = session.Queryable().Where(f => f.group_id == gid && f.custom_type == Resources.GroupSoftwareType).ToList(); if (pidInfos != null) { foreach (var item in pidInfos) { item.group_id = textEdit2.Text.Trim(); item.extend = textEdit1.Text.Trim(); session.Updateable(item).ExecuteCommand(); } } ShowSuccess("修改成功"); } else { var adzone = session.FindSingle("select * from fl_adzone_info where group_id = @group_id and custom_type = @custom_type", new { group_id = textEdit2.Text.Trim(), custom_type = Resources.GroupSoftwareType }); if (adzone != null) throw new Exception("群号已存在,操作无效"); //var strs = new string[] { "淘宝推广位名称", "拼多多推广位名称", "京东推广位名称" }; //var pidSortRemark = Enum.GetNames(typeof(GroupAdzoneType));//pid类别备注,值顺序不能变 var pidInfos = session.Queryable().Where(f => f.group_id == textEdit2.Text.Trim() && f.custom_type == Resources.GroupSoftwareType).ToList(); if (pidInfos != null && pidInfos.Count == 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { var _adzone = new fl_adzone_info { custom_type = Resources.GroupSoftwareType, extend = textEdit1.Text.Trim(), alliance_id = i, is_download = false, member_id = 0, onoff = false, robot_id = 0, group_id = textEdit2.Text.Trim(), adzone_pid_cps_name = string.Empty, adzone_pid = string.Empty, adzone_name = string.Empty, }; session.Saveable(_adzone).ExecuteReturnEntity(); } } ShowSuccess("增加成功"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } } private void group_info_form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gid)) { textEdit2.Text = gid; textEdit1.Text = gname; } } } }