using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace SqlSugar { public class PostgreSQLDbMaintenance : DbMaintenanceProvider { #region DML protected override string GetDataBaseSql { get { return "SELECT datname FROM pg_database"; } } protected override string GetColumnInfosByTableNameSql { get { string sql = @"select cast (pclass.oid as int4) as TableId,cast(ptables.tablename as varchar) as TableName, pcolumn.column_name as DbColumnName,pcolumn.udt_name as DataType, pcolumn.character_maximum_length as Length, pcolumn.column_default as DefaultValue, col_description(pclass.oid, pcolumn.ordinal_position) as ColumnDescription, case when pkey.colname = pcolumn.column_name then true else false end as IsPrimaryKey, case when pcolumn.column_default like 'nextval%' then true else false end as IsIdentity, case when pcolumn.is_nullable = 'YES' then true else false end as IsNullable from (select * from pg_tables where tablename = '{0}' and schemaname='public') ptables inner join pg_class pclass on ptables.tablename = pclass.relname inner join (SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns ) pcolumn on pcolumn.table_name = ptables.tablename left join ( select pg_class.relname,pg_attribute.attname as colname from pg_constraint inner join pg_class on pg_constraint.conrelid = pg_class.oid inner join pg_attribute on pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid and pg_attribute.attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[1] inner join pg_type on pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid where pg_constraint.contype='p' ) pkey on pcolumn.table_name = pkey.relname order by ptables.tablename"; return sql; } } protected override string GetTableInfoListSql { get { return @"select cast(relname as varchar) as Name, cast(obj_description(relfilenode,'pg_class') as varchar) as Description from pg_class c where relkind = 'r' and relname not like 'pg_%' and relname not like 'sql_%' order by relname"; } } protected override string GetViewInfoListSql { get { return @"select cast(relname as varchar) as Name,cast(Description as varchar) from pg_description join pg_class on pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid where objsubid = 0 and relname in (SELECT viewname from pg_views WHERE schemaname ='public')"; } } #endregion #region DDL protected override string CreateDataBaseSql { get { return "CREATE DATABASE {0}"; } } protected override string AddPrimaryKeySql { get { return "ALTER TABLE {0} ADD PRIMARY KEY({2}) /*{1}*/"; } } protected override string AddColumnToTableSql { get { return "ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN {1} {2}{3} {4} {5} {6}"; } } protected override string AlterColumnToTableSql { get { return "alter table {0} ALTER COLUMN {1} {2}{3} {4} {5} {6}"; } } protected override string BackupDataBaseSql { get { return "mysqldump.exe {0} -uroot -p > {1} "; } } protected override string CreateTableSql { get { return "CREATE TABLE {0}(\r\n{1} $PrimaryKey)"; } } protected override string CreateTableColumn { get { return "{0} {1}{2} {3} {4} {5}"; } } protected override string TruncateTableSql { get { return "TRUNCATE TABLE {0}"; } } protected override string BackupTableSql { get { return "create table {0} as (select * from {1} limit {2} offset 0)"; } } protected override string DropTableSql { get { return "DROP TABLE {0}"; } } protected override string DropColumnToTableSql { get { return "ALTER TABLE {0} DROP COLUMN {1}"; } } protected override string DropConstraintSql { get { return "ALTER TABLE {0} DROP CONSTRAINT {1}"; } } protected override string RenameColumnSql { get { return "ALTER TABLE {0} RENAME {1} TO {2}"; } } protected override string AddColumnRemarkSql => "comment on column {1}.{0} is '{2}'"; protected override string DeleteColumnRemarkSql => "comment on column {1}.{0} is ''"; protected override string IsAnyColumnRemarkSql { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } protected override string AddTableRemarkSql => "comment on table {0} is '{1}'"; protected override string DeleteTableRemarkSql => "comment on table {0} is ''"; protected override string IsAnyTableRemarkSql { get { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } protected override string RenameTableSql => "alter table 表名 {0} to {1}"; protected override string CreateIndexSql { get { return "CREATE INDEX Index_{0}_{2} ON {0} ({1})"; } } protected override string AddDefaultValueSql { get { return "ALTER TABLE {0} ALTER COLUMN {1} SET DEFAULT {2}"; } } protected override string IsAnyIndexSql { get { return " Select count(1) from (SELECT to_regclass('Index_UnitCodeTest1_Id_CreateDate') as c ) t where t.c is not null"; } } #endregion #region Check protected override string CheckSystemTablePermissionsSql { get { return "select 1 from information_schema.columns limit 1 offset 0"; } } #endregion #region Scattered protected override string CreateTableNull { get { return "DEFAULT NULL"; } } protected override string CreateTableNotNull { get { return "NOT NULL"; } } protected override string CreateTablePirmaryKey { get { return "PRIMARY KEY"; } } protected override string CreateTableIdentity { get { return "serial"; } } #endregion #region Methods /// ///by current connection string /// /// /// public override bool CreateDatabase(string databaseName, string databaseDirectory = null) { if (databaseDirectory != null) { if (!FileHelper.IsExistDirectory(databaseDirectory)) { FileHelper.CreateDirectory(databaseDirectory); } } var oldDatabaseName = this.Context.Ado.Connection.Database; var connection = this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.ConnectionString; connection = connection.Replace(oldDatabaseName, "postgres"); var newDb = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.DbType, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, ConnectionString = connection }); if (!GetDataBaseList(newDb).Any(it => it.Equals(databaseName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { newDb.Ado.ExecuteCommand(string.Format(CreateDataBaseSql, this.SqlBuilder.SqlTranslationLeft+databaseName+this.SqlBuilder.SqlTranslationRight, databaseDirectory)); } return true; } public override bool AddRemark(EntityInfo entity) { var db = this.Context; var columns = entity.Columns.Where(it => it.IsIgnore == false).ToList(); foreach (var item in columns) { if (item.ColumnDescription != null) { db.DbMaintenance.AddColumnRemark(item.DbColumnName, item.DbTableName, item.ColumnDescription); } } //table remak if (entity.TableDescription != null) { db.DbMaintenance.AddTableRemark(entity.DbTableName, entity.TableDescription); } return true; } public override bool CreateTable(string tableName, List columns, bool isCreatePrimaryKey = true) { if (columns.HasValue()) { foreach (var item in columns) { if (item.DbColumnName.Equals("GUID", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && item.Length == 0) { item.Length = 10; } } } string sql = GetCreateTableSql(tableName, columns); string primaryKeyInfo = null; if (columns.Any(it => it.IsPrimarykey) && isCreatePrimaryKey) { primaryKeyInfo = string.Format(", Primary key({0})", string.Join(",", columns.Where(it => it.IsPrimarykey).Select(it => this.SqlBuilder.GetTranslationColumnName(it.DbColumnName.ToLower())))); } sql = sql.Replace("$PrimaryKey", primaryKeyInfo); this.Context.Ado.ExecuteCommand(sql); return true; } protected override string GetCreateTableSql(string tableName, List columns) { List columnArray = new List(); Check.Exception(columns.IsNullOrEmpty(), "No columns found "); foreach (var item in columns) { string columnName = item.DbColumnName; string dataType = item.DataType; if (dataType == "varchar" && item.Length == 0) { item.Length = 1; } if (dataType == "uuid") { item.Length = 50; dataType = "varchar"; } string dataSize = item.Length > 0 ? string.Format("({0})", item.Length) : null; string nullType = item.IsNullable ? this.CreateTableNull : CreateTableNotNull; string primaryKey = null; string addItem = string.Format(this.CreateTableColumn, this.SqlBuilder.GetTranslationColumnName(columnName.ToLower()), dataType, dataSize, nullType, primaryKey, ""); if (item.IsIdentity) { string length = dataType.Substring(dataType.Length - 1); string identityDataType = "serial" + length; addItem = addItem.Replace(dataType, identityDataType); } columnArray.Add(addItem); } string tableString = string.Format(this.CreateTableSql, this.SqlBuilder.GetTranslationTableName(tableName.ToLower()), string.Join(",\r\n", columnArray)); return tableString; } public override bool IsAnyConstraint(string constraintName) { throw new NotSupportedException("PgSql IsAnyConstraint NotSupportedException"); } public override bool BackupDataBase(string databaseName, string fullFileName) { Check.ThrowNotSupportedException("PgSql BackupDataBase NotSupported"); return false; } public override List GetColumnInfosByTableName(string tableName, bool isCache = true) { return base.GetColumnInfosByTableName(tableName.TrimEnd('"').TrimStart('"').ToLower(), isCache); } #endregion } }