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using Api.Framework;
using Api.Framework.Enums;
using CsharpHttpHelper;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Api.Framework.Tools;
using Weixin.CircleTools.Entitys;
namespace Weixin.CircleTools
/// <summary>
/// 解析商品
/// </summary>
class AnalyzeGoods
/// <summary>
/// 通过商品的id查询返回获取到自己返利商品信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="goods_id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public goodsinfos FindGoodsInfoToItemId(string goods_id, string pid_cps_name = "", string pid = "", string biz_scene_id = "2")
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goods_id))//符合搜索宝贝id的条件
var member = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pid_cps_name) ? CpsClient.Members.FirstOrDefault(f => f.cpstype == CpsType.) : CpsClient.Members.FirstOrDefault(f => f.cpstype == CpsType. && f.username == pid_cps_name));
if (member == null) { return null; }
var api = CpsClient.CreateAlimamaRequest(member);
var itemInfo = api.GetItemInfo(goods_id, "2");
if (itemInfo != null && itemInfo.n_tbk_item != null && itemInfo.n_tbk_item.Count > 0)
var tbk_item = itemInfo.n_tbk_item[0];
var nick = tbk_item.nick;
var pict_url = tbk_item.pict_url;
goods_id = tbk_item.num_iid;
var title = tbk_item.title;
var zk_final_price = double.Parse(tbk_item.zk_final_price);
var volume = tbk_item.volume;
var goods_desc = string.Empty;
var coupon_remain_quantity = string.Empty;
biz_scene_id = TBHelper.TbAnalysis.BizSceneId(goods_id);
var pids = pid.Split('_');
var privilege = api.SendTaobao("taobao.tbk.privilege.get", new { item_id = goods_id, site_id = pids[2], adzone_id = pids[3], biz_scene_id = biz_scene_id });
var privilege_data = privilege["data"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
var max_commission_rate = double.Parse(privilege_data["max_commission_rate"].ToString());
var coupon_click_url = string.Empty;
var coupon_price = 0.00d;
if (privilege_data.ContainsKey("coupon_info"))
var quan_reg = Regex.Match(privilege_data["coupon_info"].ToString(), @"满\d+元减(\d+)元");
if (quan_reg.Success) coupon_price = double.Parse(quan_reg.Groups[1].Value);
coupon_click_url = privilege_data["coupon_click_url"].ToString();
coupon_price = 0.00d;
coupon_click_url = privilege_data["coupon_click_url"].ToString();
return new goodsinfos() { cur_time = DateTime.Today, goods_id = goods_id, goods_name = title, mall_name = nick, goods_thumbnail_url = pict_url, sold_quantity = volume, normal_price = zk_final_price, coupon_discount = coupon_price, promotion_rate = max_commission_rate, shopping_url = coupon_click_url, goods_desc = goods_desc, coupon_remain_quantity = coupon_remain_quantity };
catch (Exception)
{ }
return null;
public void AnalysisText(string message, goodsinfos goodsinfo)
var list = new string[] { @"(?<短标题>[\w\W]+)\s?(优惠\s?券|领券|抢券)[:]\s?(?<优惠券>[\w\W]+)\s+(下单链接|下单|抢购|秒杀)[:]\s?(?<商品>[\w\W]+)\s+(?<长文案>[\w\W]+)", @"\[image=(?<图片地址>[\w\W]+)\]\s+(?<短标题>[\w\W]+)\s+(优惠券|领券|抢券)[:]\s?(?<优惠券>[\w\W]+)\s+(下单|抢购|秒杀)[:]\s?(?<商品>[\w\W]+)\s+(?<长文案>[\w\W]+)" };
foreach (string item in list)
var reg = Regex.Match(message, item);
if (reg.Success)
goodsinfo.goods_desc = reg.Groups["长文案"].ToString().Trim();
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
//public object FindResult(string method, object param = null)
// string msd = method;
// int page = 0;
// page++;
// string sign = string.Empty;
// string str = string.Empty;
// System.DateTime startTime = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
// long t = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) / 10000; //除10000调整为13位
// if (param != null)
// {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("now=" + t + "&");
// Type type = param.GetType();
// System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] ps = type.GetProperties();
// foreach (PropertyInfo i in ps)
// {
// string name = i.Name;
// object value = i.GetValue(param, null);
// sb.Append(name + "=" + HttpHelper.URLEncode(value.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8));
// sb.Append("&");
// }
// str = sb.ToString();
// sign = HttpHelper.URLDecode((str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1) + "cps-api"), Encoding.UTF8);
// sign = sign.GetHashCode().ToString();
// }
// str += "sign=" + sign;
// HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
// HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
// {
// URL = _host + "/api/alimama.asmx/" + method + "?v=",//URL 必需项
// Method = "post",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
// Timeout = 1000 * 30,//连接超时时间 可选项默认为100000
// ReadWriteTimeout = 1000 * 30,//写入Post数据超时时间 可选项默认为30000
// IsToLower = false,//得到的HTML代码是否转成小写 可选项默认转小写
// Cookie = "",//字符串Cookie 可选项
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0",//用户的浏览器类型,版本,操作系统 可选项有默认值
// Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
// ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",//返回类型 可选项有默认值
// Referer = "http://license.52cmg.cn",//来源URL 可选项
// Postdata = str,//Post数据 可选项GET时不需要写
// };
// string html = string.Empty;
// try
// {
// html = http.GetHtml(item).Html;
// }
// catch (Exception)
// {
// if (page < 5)
// {
// page++;
// Thread.Sleep(500);
// goto Next;
// }
// }
// var dic = HttpExtend.JsonToDictionary(html);
// if (dic == null) throw new Exception(html);
// if (dic["ok"].ToString().ToUpper() == "FALSE")
// {
// string msg = dic["message"].ToString();
// if (page < 5 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dic["message"].ToString()) && !msg.Contains("未授权") && !msg.Contains("Invalid session"))
// {
// Console.WriteLine("异常:" + msg);
// Thread.Sleep(500);
// goto Next;
// }
// throw new Exception(dic["message"].ToString());
// }
// return dic["message"];