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using Api.Framework;
using Api.Framework.Cps;
using Api.Framework.Enums;
using Api.Framework.Model;
using Api.Framework.SDK;
using Api.Framework.Tools;
using Chat.Framework.WXSdk;
using Chat.Framework.WXSdk.Implement;
using CsharpHttpHelper;
using ProductClient.Entitys;
using ProductClient.Properties;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using Api.Framework.Data.TB;
using Api.Framework.Events;
using static Api.Framework.Tools.TBHelper.TbAnalysis;
namespace ProductClient
class MonitorThread : TimerTask
private long count;
private bool IsRun = false;
public override void Run(object state, bool timedOut)
var node = 5;
var hour = DateTime.Now.Hour;
if (2 <= hour && hour <= 6)
node = 30;
if (count % node == 0)
#region web接口检测
//if (count % 5 == 0)
// if (IsRun) return;
// IsRun = true;
// try
// {
// var http = new HttpHelper();
// //http://item.sync.api.52cmg.cn/task.do?method=getCircle&lastId=@lastid&r=@r
// var text = string.Empty;
// Dictionary<string, object> result = null;
// try
// {
// if (Class1.Config.historyId.Count >= 100)
// {
// Class1.Config.historyId.RemoveRange(0, Class1.Config.historyId.Count - 20);
// Util.Save(Class1.Config);
// }
// if (!Class1.Config.historyId.Contains(Class1.Config.SignId))
// {
// text = http.GetHtml(HttpExtend.GetItem(http, Resources.ProductApi.Replace("@lastid", Class1.Config.SignId.ToString()).Replace("@r", HttpExtend.GetTimeStamp()))).Html;
// result = HttpExtend.JsonToDictionary(text);
// }
// }
// catch (Exception)
// {
// return;
// }
// if (result != null && result.ContainsKey("Code"))
// {
// var code = result["Code"].ToString();
// //if (code == "-1") return;
// //正常数据
// if (code == "0")
// {
// //检测是否在线
// var clients = Chat.Framework.ChatClient.WXClient.Values.ToList().Where(f => (f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信 || f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Hook微信) && f.Status == WxStatus.在线).ToList();
// if (clients.Count == 0) return;
// if (result.ContainsKey("Message"))
// {
// var message = result["Message"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
// if (message.ContainsKey("lastId"))
// {
// Class1.Config.historyId.Add(Class1.Config.SignId);
// Class1.Config.SignId = long.Parse(message["lastId"].ToString());
// Util.Save(Class1.Config);
// }
// string convertLink = string.Empty; //转链后
// string compositeQRCode = string.Empty;//合成的二维码图片
// string objectDesc = string.Empty; //正文
// string comment = string.Empty; //评语
// string quanUrl = string.Empty; //券链接
// string itemUrl = string.Empty; //商品连接
// var appendQrcode = false; //是否合成优惠券图片
// CpsType cps = CpsType.京东联盟;
// #region 获取正文内容并删除正文中的地址
// if (message.ContainsKey("circle"))
// {
// objectDesc = message["circle"].ToString();//主内容部分
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectDesc))
// {
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"未检测到要转发的正文数据,操作终止");
// return;
// }
// //处理用户朋友圈中的地址信息(有就删除)
// var reg = Regex.Match(objectDesc, @"(?<地址信息>\<location[^\<]+?\</location\>)");
// if (reg.Success)
// objectDesc = objectDesc.Replace(reg.Groups["地址信息"].Value, string.Empty);
// }
// #endregion
// #region 获取评语
// if (message.ContainsKey("comment"))
// comment = message["comment"].ToString(); //评论内容
// #endregion
// var isItem = message.ContainsKey("isItem") && message["isItem"].ToString().ToLower() == "true"; //是否为商品
// //为商品获取去商品连接和优惠券链接
// if (isItem)
// {
// if (Class1.Config.Monitor_Interval != 0)
// {
// if (Class1.Config.LastSendTime == DateTime.MinValue || (Class1.Config.LastSendTime.AddMinutes(Class1.Config.Monitor_Interval) <= DateTime.Now))
// {
// }
// else
// return;
// }
// appendQrcode = message.ContainsKey("appendQrcode") && message["appendQrcode"].ToString().ToLower() == "true";
// if (message.ContainsKey("itemUrl"))//获取宝贝连接
// itemUrl = message["itemUrl"].ToString();
// if (message.ContainsKey("quanUrl"))//获取优惠券链接
// quanUrl = message["quanUrl"].ToString();
// }
// else
// {
// Class1.Config.LastSendTime = DateTime.MinValue;
// }
// #region 评语不为空,判断评语中是否包含变量
// if (isItem && (appendQrcode || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment) && comment.Contains(Resources.BuyAddress)) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment)))
// {
// bool isTB = false;
// try
// {
// convertLink = AlimamaConvertLink(itemUrl, quanUrl, appendQrcode, out compositeQRCode);//阿里妈妈
// isTB = true;
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// if (!ex.Message.StartsWith("@")) throw ex;
// try
// {
// convertLink = PinDuoDuoConvertLink(itemUrl, appendQrcode, out compositeQRCode);//多多进宝
// }
// catch (Exception ex_)
// {
// if (!ex_.Message.StartsWith("@")) throw ex_;
// try
// {
// convertLink = JingDongConvertLink(itemUrl, appendQrcode, out compositeQRCode);//京东联盟
// }
// catch (Exception)
// { }
// }
// }
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(convertLink)) return;
// //处理转链,替换变量
// {
// #region 朋友圈内容中追加图片
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(compositeQRCode))
// {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// sb.Append("<media>");
// sb.Append("<id>" + Tools.GenerateRandomCode(20) + "</id>");
// sb.Append("<type>2</type>");
// sb.Append("<title></title>");
// sb.Append("<description></description>");
// sb.Append("<private>0</private>");
// sb.Append("<url type=\"1\">[图片=" + compositeQRCode + "]</url>");
// sb.Append("<thumb type=\"1\">[图片=" + compositeQRCode + "]</thumb>");
// sb.Append("<size height=\"800.0\" width=\"800.0\" totalSize=\"0\"></size>");
// sb.Append("</media>");
// var index = objectDesc.IndexOf("</mediaList>");
// if (index != -1)
// objectDesc = objectDesc.Insert(index, sb.ToString());
// }
// #endregion
// string address = string.Copy(convertLink);
// if (isTB == true && !Class1.Config.isPyTkl && comment.Contains(Resources.BuyAddress))
// {
// convertLink = ZJYUrl;
// }
// comment = comment.Replace(Resources.BuyAddress, convertLink).Replace(Resources.TKLBuyAddress, address);
// }
// }
// #endregion
// _ExecuteSend(objectDesc, comment);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"代运营朋友圈 - web接口{ex.Message}");
// }
// finally
// {
// IsRun = false;
// }
catch (Exception ex)
EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"代运营朋友圈:{ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}");
//private static string ZJYUrl = string.Empty;
public static void GetDyyCircleGoodsLastTask()
var taskId = Class1.Config.SignId;
var sourceId = Class1.Config.sourceId;
if (sourceId == null)
sourceId = "129505086429724672";
// $"{taskId}[分段]{collectionSourceId}"
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
var html = http.GetHtml($"http://goods.api.52cmg.cn/api/WechatMomentsGoods-WechatMoments/GetLastTaskV2", postData: $"SourceId={sourceId}&LastTaskId={taskId}").Html;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(html))
EventClient.OnDyyNoticeEvent(null, new DyyNoticeEvent() { Data = html });
catch (Exception ex)
EventClient.OnEvent("", $"代运营朋友圈 - 补偿:{ex.Message}");
/// <summary>
/// 阿里妈妈转连接
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemInfo"></param>
public static string AlimamaConvertLink(ItemData itemData, string activityId, bool appendQrcode, out string zjyUrl, out string buyPassNoFrills, out string compositeQRCode)
//compositeQRCode = string.Empty;
//ZJYUrl = string.Empty;
zjyUrl = string.Empty;
buyPassNoFrills = string.Empty;
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Class1.Config.tbPid)) throw new Exception("@未设置淘宝推广位,终止操作");
var reg = Regex.Match(Class1.Config.tbPid, @"mm_(?<cpsname>\d+)_(?<pid1>\d+)_(?<pid2>\d+)");
if (!reg.Success) throw new Exception($@"阿里妈妈推广位格式不正确");
var cpsname = reg.Groups["cpsname"].Value;
var pid1 = reg.Groups["pid1"].Value;
var pid2 = reg.Groups["pid2"].Value;
var cps = new fl_cps_member() { username = cpsname, cpstype = CpsType., cookies = string.Empty, is_download = SwitchType., abnormal_tip = SwitchType., online = true, usernick = string.Empty };
AlimamaApi api = CpsClient.CreateAlimamaRequest(cps);
if (api == null) throw new Exception("@创建阿里妈妈API请求失败,终止操作");
var tbAnalysis = new TBHelper.TbAnalysis();
var item_id = itemData.ItemId;
// item_id = tbAnalysis.FindItemIdByUrlAndTklAndMkl(itemUrl, api, Class1.Config.tbPid.Split('_'));
//catch (Exception)
// throw new Exception($"@解析淘宝商品Id失败{itemUrl}");
//var title = string.Empty;//商品标题
//#region 检测连接中是否包含优惠券信息
//var activityId = string.Empty;
//if (quanUrl.Contains("uland.taobao"))
// var _reg = Regex.Match(quanUrl, @"activityId=(?<活动ID>[A-Za-z0-9]+)");
// if (_reg.Success) activityId = _reg.Groups["活动ID"].Value;
TBItemInfoData turnItem = null;
turnItem = api.TurnItemId(item_id, activityId, pid2, pid1, "2", isCircle: true);
catch (Exception e)
if (turnItem == null)
throw new Exception("商品信息为空");
var tkl = tbAnalysis.ReplaceTklModifier(turnItem.BuyPass);
buyPassNoFrills = turnItem.BuyPass.Replace("¥", "");
zjyUrl = api.ComposeTbClick(item_id, turnItem.ImageUrl, tkl, turnItem.BuyUrl, true, Class1.Config.tbPid, ApiClient.Setting.SystemConfig.ZjyComposeType == ComposeType., (int)Class1.Config.dwzType, isCircleZjy: true);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( /*ZJYUrl*/zjyUrl))
throw new Exception("生成防屏蔽连接为空,终止操作");
if (appendQrcode)
compositeQRCode = ApiClient.GetQRImage(turnItem.ItemTitle, turnItem.Price.ToString("0.00"), turnItem.CouponPrice.ToString("0"), turnItem.UseCouponPrice.ToString("0.00"), turnItem.ImageUrl, zjyUrl, Class1.Config.qrImageType);
compositeQRCode = string.Empty;
return tkl;
/// <summary>
/// 多多进宝转连接
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemInfo"></param>
private string PinDuoDuoConvertLink(string itemUrl, bool appendQrcode, out string compositeQRCode)
var goods_id = PDDHelper.GetPddGoodsID(itemUrl);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goods_id)) throw new Exception("@解析拼多多商品Id失败,操作终止");
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Class1.Config.pddPid)) throw new Exception("未设置拼多多推广位,终止操作");
var reg = Regex.Match(Class1.Config.pddPid, @"(?<cpsname>\d+)_(\d+)");
if (!reg.Success) throw new Exception("拼多多推广位不符合格式,终止操作");
var cpsname = reg.Groups["cpsname"].ToString();
var adzone_pid = Class1.Config.pddPid;
var cps = new fl_cps_member() { username = cpsname, usernick = string.Empty, cookies = string.Empty, cpstype = CpsType., abnormal_tip = SwitchType., is_download = SwitchType., online = true };
PinduoduoApi api = CpsClient.CreatePinduoduoRequest(cps);
if (api == null) throw new Exception("创建多多进宝API请求失败,终止操作");
ArrayList goods_details = null;
var isBind = false;
var result = api.SendPinduoduo("pdd.ddk.oauth.member.authority.query", new { pid = adzone_pid });
if (result.ContainsKey("authority_query_response"))
var authority_query_response = result["authority_query_response"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (authority_query_response != null && authority_query_response.Count != 0)
isBind = int.Parse(authority_query_response["bind"].ToString()) == 1;//1-已绑定0-未绑定
goods_details = PDDHelper.FindSendGuideGoodsInfo(api, adzone_pid, goods_id, isBind);
if (goods_details == null || goods_details.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该商品无返利,操作终止");
foreach (var item in goods_details)
var temp = item as Dictionary<string, object>;
string mall_id = string.Empty;
if (temp.ContainsKey("mall_id")) mall_id = temp["mall_id"].ToString();
var goods_sign = temp["goods_sign"].ToString();
var goods_name = (temp["goods_name"] ?? string.Empty).ToString().Replace("", "").Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">").Replace("&amp;", "&").Replace("&quot;", "\"").Replace(" &copy;", "©"); //获取商品标签
var goods_desc = (temp["goods_desc"] ?? string.Empty).ToString(); //商品描述
var goods_thumbnail_url = (temp["goods_thumbnail_url"] ?? string.Empty).ToString(); //商品主图
var min_group_price = Math.Round(temp["min_group_price"] == null ? 0 : (double.Parse(temp["min_group_price"].ToString()) / 100.00), 2); //最低价sku的拼团价单位为分
//var min_normal_price = Math.Round(temp["min_normal_price"] == null ? 0 : (double.Parse(temp["min_normal_price"].ToString()) / 100.00), 2); //最低价sku的单买价单位为分
var _coupon_discount = double.Parse((temp["coupon_discount"] ?? 0).ToString());
var coupon_discount = _coupon_discount == 0 ? 0 : Math.Round(_coupon_discount / 100.00, 2); //优惠券面额,单位为分
var pddHelper = new PDDHelper();
var manyShoppingUrl = pddHelper.GetShoppingUrl(api, new { p_id = adzone_pid, goods_sign_list = $"[\"{goods_sign}\"]", multi_group = true, generate_short_url = true, generate_weapp_webview = true, force_duo_id = true, generate_authority_url = !isBind, generate_schema_url = true });
if (appendQrcode)
compositeQRCode = ApiClient.GetQRImage(goods_name, min_group_price.ToString(), coupon_discount.ToString(), ((decimal)min_group_price - (decimal)coupon_discount).ToString(), goods_thumbnail_url, manyShoppingUrl, Class1.Config.qrImageType, CpsType., goods_desc);
else compositeQRCode = string.Empty;
return manyShoppingUrl;
//EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"朋友圈代运营拼多多转链异常:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
compositeQRCode = string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// 京东联盟转连接
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemInfo"></param>
private string JingDongConvertLink(string itemUrl, bool appendQrcode, out string compositeQRCode)
var itemId = JDHelper.GetJingdongItemId(itemUrl);//匹配京东链接获取京东宝贝ID
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId)) throw new Exception($"@解析京东商品Id失败{itemUrl}");
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
//var adzone = session.FindAdzoneInfos().FirstOrDefault(f => f.custom_type == Resources.SoftwareType && f.alliance_id == (int)CpsType.京东联盟);
//if (adzone == null) throw new Exception("未设置京东推广位,终止操作");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Class1.Config.jdPid)) throw new Exception("未设置京东推广位,终止操作");
var reg = Regex.Match(Class1.Config.jdPid, @"(?<pid>(?<cpsname>\d+)_\d+_(?<positionId>\d+))_(?<key>.+)");
if (!reg.Success) throw new Exception("推广位格式不正确");
var cpsname = reg.Groups["cpsname"].ToString();
var key = reg.Groups["key"].ToString();
//var pid = reg.Groups["pid"].ToString();
var positionId = reg.Groups["positionId"].ToString();
var cps = new fl_cps_member() { username = key, usernick = cpsname, cpstype = CpsType., online = true, cookies = string.Empty, abnormal_tip = SwitchType., is_download = SwitchType. };
//var cps = CpsClient.Members.FirstOrDefault(f => f.cpstype == CpsType.京东联盟 && f.username == adzone.adzone_pid_cps_name);
//if (cps == null) throw new Exception("京东账号异常,终止操作");
var api = new JingdongApi(cps);
if (api == null) throw new Exception("创建京东联盟API请求失败,终止操作");
var goodInfoResult = api.SendJingdong("jd.union.open.goods.query", new { goodsReqDTO = new { skuIds = new string[] { itemId } } });
var goodData = goodInfoResult.ConvertToObj<goodInfo_temp>();
if (goodData.data == null) throw new Exception("京东无返利信息");
foreach (Dictionary<string, object> _goodinfo in goodData.data)
var goodinfo = _goodinfo.ConvertToObj<GoodsResp>();
goodinfo.skuName = goodinfo.skuName.Replace("", "").Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">").Replace("&amp;", "&").Replace("&quot;", "\"").Replace(" &copy;", "©");
if (goodinfo.commissionInfo.Count != 0)//有佣金
var isJdSale = goodinfo.isJdSale == 0 ? false : true;//是否已是京东自营
double price = double.Parse(goodinfo.priceInfo["price"].ToString()); //商品价格
var commissionshare = decimal.Parse(goodinfo.commissionInfo["commissionShare"].ToString()) / 100m;//普通用户佣金比例 ,通用接口中的佣金比例
#region ,,
var goodResult = api.SendJingdong("jd.union.open.goods.promotiongoodsinfo.query", new { skuIds = itemId });
if (goodResult != null && goodResult.ContainsKey("data"))
var _goodData = goodResult["data"] as ArrayList;
if (_goodData != null && _goodData.Count != 0)
foreach (Dictionary<string, object> data in _goodData)
if (data.ContainsKey("commisionRatioWl"))
commissionshare = decimal.Parse(data["commisionRatioWl"].ToString()) / 100m; //接口中该商品的实际佣金,比较准一些,
catch (Exception)
{ }
ItemPoint usecoupon_commfee = null;//普通用户 用优惠券后积分信息
//ItemPoint usecoupon_commfee_plus = null;//plus用户 用优惠券后积分信息
string couponlike = string.Empty; //优惠券链接
double discount = 0; //优惠券金额
if (goodinfo.couponInfo.Count != 0)
var couponList = goodinfo.couponInfo["couponList"] as ArrayList;
if (couponList.Count != 0)//有优惠券
foreach (Dictionary<string, object> coupon in couponList)
var quota = double.Parse(coupon["quota"].ToString()); //券消费限额
if (quota > price) break;//优惠券面额大于商品单价时终止
discount = double.Parse(coupon["discount"].ToString());
couponlike = coupon["link"].ToString(); //优惠券链接
break;//TODO 这里难道有多个优惠券?先不管,直接获取第一个
var buyshorturl = string.Empty; //转连后的地址
#region (广 [()])
Dictionary<string, object> conversionlinkresult = null; //查询到的转换链接对象
//var positionId = adzone.adzone_pid.Substring(adzone.adzone_pid.LastIndexOf("_") + 1);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(couponlike))
conversionlinkresult = api.SendJingdong("jd.union.open.promotion.byunionid.get", new { promotionCodeReq = new { materialId = $@"https://item.m.jd.com/product/{itemId}.html", positionId = positionId, unionId = cps.usernick } });//宝贝id 和 用户的目标推客的联盟id
conversionlinkresult = api.SendJingdong("jd.union.open.promotion.byunionid.get", new { promotionCodeReq = new { materialId = $@"https://item.m.jd.com/product/{itemId}.html", positionId = positionId, unionId = cps.usernick, couponUrl = couponlike } });
catch (Exception)
conversionlinkresult = api.SendJingdong("jd.union.open.promotion.byunionid.get", new { promotionCodeReq = new { materialId = $@"https://item.m.jd.com/product/{itemId}.html", positionId = positionId, unionId = cps.usernick } });//宝贝id 和 用户的目标推客的联盟id
couponlike = string.Empty;
if (conversionlinkresult != null)
if (conversionlinkresult["code"].ToString() != "200") throw new Exception($"京东查询接口调用失败:{conversionlinkresult["message"].ToString()}");//抛出错误信息
if (conversionlinkresult.ContainsKey("data"))
var data = conversionlinkresult["data"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (data.ContainsKey("shortURL")) buyshorturl = data["shortURL"].ToString();//购买短连接
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buyshorturl)) throw new Exception("京东转链失败,请稍后重试");
var imageList = goodinfo.imageInfo["imageList"] as ArrayList;
string imageUrl = string.Empty;
if (imageList.Count > 0)
imageUrl = (imageList[0] as Dictionary<string, object>)["url"].ToString(); //宝贝主图
if (appendQrcode)
compositeQRCode = ApiClient.GetQRImage(goodinfo.skuName, price.ToString(), discount.ToString(), ((decimal)price - (decimal)discount).ToString(), imageUrl, buyshorturl, Class1.Config.qrImageType, CpsType.);
else compositeQRCode = string.Empty;
return buyshorturl;
//EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"朋友圈代运营京东转链异常:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
compositeQRCode = string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
///// <summary>
///// 执行发送任务
///// </summary>
//private void _ExecuteSend(string objectDesc, string comment)
// try
// {
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectDesc)) return;
// var clients = Chat.Framework.ChatClient.WXClient.Values.ToList().Where(f => (f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信 || f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Hook微信) && f.Status == WxStatus.在线).ToList();
// if (clients.Count != 0)
// {
// foreach (var _item in clients)
// {
// var item = _item;
// //Task.Run(() =>
// //{
// try
// {
// //objectDesc = Regex.Replace(objectDesc, @"videomd5=""(.{32})""", @"videomd5=""" + Util.GetMD5Hash(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()) + @"""");
// //objectDesc = Regex.Replace(objectDesc, @"md5=""(.{32})""", @"md5=""" + Util.GetMD5Hash(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()) + @"""");
// objectDesc = objectDesc.Replace("[活动口令]", Class1.Config.actionLink);
// var json = item.SendCircle(objectDesc);//发送朋友圈的主内容
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"【代运营朋友圈】 => {item.WeixinHao},转发失败");
// else
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"【代运营朋友圈】 => {item.WeixinHao},转发成功");
// if (!Class1.Config.isPl)
// {
// var reg = Regex.Match(json.Replace("<![CDATA[", "").Replace("]]>", ""), @"<id>(?<id>\d{15,})</id>");//获取返回的朋友圈id
// if (reg.Success && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment))
// {
// var id = reg.Groups["id"].Value;
// var commentStr = string.Empty;
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Class1.Config.appendComment))
// commentStr = string.Join("[分段]", comment);
// else
// commentStr = string.Join("[分段]", comment, Class1.Config.appendComment);
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentStr))
// item.SendCircleComment(item.User.Username, id, commentStr.Replace("[活动口令]", Class1.Config.actionLink));
// }
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"【代运营朋友圈】 发送异常:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
// }
// //});
// }
// if (Class1.Config.Monitor_Interval != 0)
// {
// Class1.Config.LastSendTime = DateTime.Now;
// Util.Save(Class1.Config);
// }
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"【代运营朋友圈】 所有账号发送完毕");
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// EventClient.OnEvent(this, $"【代运营朋友圈】 发送失败:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
// }
/// <summary>
/// 执行发送任务
/// </summary>
public static void _ExecuteSend(string objectDesc, List<string> comments, bool isGoods, string taskId)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectDesc))
var commentStr = string.Join("[分段]", comments);
var clients = Chat.Framework.ChatClient.WXClient.Values.ToList().Where(f => (f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Grpc微信 || f.WeixinType == WeixinType.Hook微信) && f.Status == WxStatus.线).ToList();
if (clients.Count != 0)
foreach (var _item in clients)
var item = _item;
//Task.Run(() =>
//objectDesc = Regex.Replace(objectDesc, @"videomd5=""(.{32})""", @"videomd5=""" + Util.GetMD5Hash(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()) + @"""");
//objectDesc = Regex.Replace(objectDesc, @"md5=""(.{32})""", @"md5=""" + Util.GetMD5Hash(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()) + @"""");
objectDesc = objectDesc.Replace("[活动口令]", Class1.Config.actionLink);
var json = item.SendCircle(objectDesc);//发送朋友圈的主内容
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
EventClient.OnEvent(null, $"【代运营朋友圈】 => {item.WeixinHao},转发失败");
EventClient.OnEvent(null, $"【代运营朋友圈】 => {item.WeixinHao},转发成功");
//if (!Class1.Config.isPl)
var reg = Regex.Match(json.Replace("<![CDATA[", "").Replace("]]>", ""), @"<id>(?<id>\d{15,})</id>");//获取返回的朋友圈id
if (reg.Success && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentStr))
var id = reg.Groups["id"].Value;
EventClient.OnEvent(null, $"【代运营朋友圈】 => {item.WeixinHao},评论内容:{commentStr}");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentStr))
item.SendCircleComment(item.User.Username, id, commentStr.Replace("[活动口令]", Class1.Config.actionLink));
if (isGoods)
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
var html = http.GetHtml($"http://goods.api.52cmg.cn/api/WechatMomentsGoods-WechatMoments/RecordSending?taskId={taskId}").Html;
catch (Exception ex)
EventClient.OnEvent(null, $"【代运营朋友圈】 发送异常:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
if (Class1.Config.Monitor_Interval != 0)
Class1.Config.LastSendTime = DateTime.Now;
EventClient.OnEvent(null, $"【代运营朋友圈】 所有账号发送完毕");
catch (Exception ex)
EventClient.OnEvent(null, $"【代运营朋友圈】 发送失败:{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");