851 lines
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851 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SqlSugar
/// ** description:ActiveX Data Objects
/// ** author:sunkaixuan
/// ** date:2017/1/2
/// ** email:610262374@qq.com
/// </summary>
public abstract partial class AdoProvider : AdoAccessory, IAdo
#region Constructor
public AdoProvider()
this.IsEnableLogEvent = false;
this.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
this.IsClearParameters = true;
this.CommandTimeOut = 30000;
#region Properties
protected List<IDataParameter> OutputParameters { get; set; }
public virtual string SqlParameterKeyWord { get { return "@"; } }
public IDbTransaction Transaction { get; set; }
public virtual SqlSugarClient Context { get; set; }
internal CommandType OldCommandType { get; set; }
internal bool OldClearParameters { get; set; }
public IDataParameterCollection DataReaderParameters { get; set; }
public TimeSpan SqlExecutionTime { get { return AfterTime - BeforeTime; } }
internal DateTime BeforeTime = DateTime.MinValue;
internal DateTime AfterTime = DateTime.MinValue;
public virtual IDbBind DbBind
if (base._DbBind == null)
IDbBind bind = InstanceFactory.GetDbBind(this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig);
base._DbBind = bind;
bind.Context = this.Context;
return base._DbBind;
public virtual int CommandTimeOut { get; set; }
public virtual CommandType CommandType { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsEnableLogEvent { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsClearParameters { get; set; }
public virtual Action<string, SugarParameter[]> LogEventStarting { get; set; }
public virtual Action<string, SugarParameter[]> LogEventCompleted { get; set; }
public virtual Func<string, SugarParameter[], KeyValuePair<string, SugarParameter[]>> ProcessingEventStartingSQL { get; set; }
protected virtual Func<string,string> FormatSql { get; set; }
public virtual Action<SqlSugarException> ErrorEvent { get; set; }
public virtual Action<DiffLogModel> DiffLogEvent { get; set; }
public virtual List<IDbConnection> SlaveConnections { get; set; }
public virtual IDbConnection MasterConnection { get; set; }
#region Connection
public virtual void Open()
public virtual void Close()
if (this.Transaction != null)
this.Transaction = null;
if (this.Connection != null && this.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
if (this.IsMasterSlaveSeparation && this.SlaveConnections.HasValue())
foreach (var slaveConnection in this.SlaveConnections)
if (slaveConnection != null && slaveConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
public virtual void Dispose()
if (this.Transaction != null)
this.Transaction = null;
if (this.Connection != null && this.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
if (this.Connection != null)
this.Connection = null;
if (this.IsMasterSlaveSeparation)
if (this.SlaveConnections != null)
foreach (var slaveConnection in this.SlaveConnections)
if (slaveConnection != null && slaveConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
public virtual void CheckConnection()
if (this.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
catch (Exception ex)
Check.Exception(true, ErrorMessage.ConnnectionOpen, ex.Message);
#region Transaction
public virtual void BeginTran()
this.Transaction = this.Connection.BeginTransaction();
public virtual void BeginTran(IsolationLevel iso)
this.Transaction = this.Connection.BeginTransaction(iso);
public virtual void RollbackTran()
if (this.Transaction != null)
this.Transaction = null;
if (this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.IsAutoCloseConnection) this.Close();
public virtual void CommitTran()
if (this.Transaction != null)
this.Transaction = null;
if (this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.IsAutoCloseConnection) this.Close();
#region abstract
public abstract IDataParameter[] ToIDbDataParameter(params SugarParameter[] pars);
public abstract void SetCommandToAdapter(IDataAdapter adapter, IDbCommand command);
public abstract IDataAdapter GetAdapter();
public abstract IDbCommand GetCommand(string sql, SugarParameter[] pars);
public abstract IDbConnection Connection { get; set; }
public abstract void BeginTran(string transactionName);//Only SqlServer
public abstract void BeginTran(IsolationLevel iso, string transactionName);//Only SqlServer
#region Use
public DbResult<bool> UseTran(Action action)
var result = new DbResult<bool>();
if (action != null)
result.Data = result.IsSuccess = true;
catch (Exception ex)
result.ErrorException = ex;
result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
result.IsSuccess = false;
return result;
public Task<DbResult<bool>> UseTranAsync(Action action)
Task<DbResult<bool>> result = new Task<DbResult<bool>>(() =>
return UseTran(action);
return result;
public DbResult<T> UseTran<T>(Func<T> action)
var result = new DbResult<T>();
if (action != null)
result.Data = action();
result.IsSuccess = true;
catch (Exception ex)
result.ErrorException = ex;
result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
result.IsSuccess = false;
return result;
public Task<DbResult<T>> UseTranAsync<T>(Func<T> action)
Task<DbResult<T>> result = new Task<DbResult<T>>(() =>
return UseTran(action);
return result;
public void UseStoredProcedure(Action action)
var oldCommandType = this.CommandType;
this.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
this.IsClearParameters = false;
if (action != null)
this.CommandType = oldCommandType;
this.IsClearParameters = true;
public T UseStoredProcedure<T>(Func<T> action)
T result = default(T);
var oldCommandType = this.CommandType;
this.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
this.IsClearParameters = false;
if (action != null)
result = action();
this.CommandType = oldCommandType;
this.IsClearParameters = true;
return result;
public IAdo UseStoredProcedure()
this.OldCommandType = this.CommandType;
this.OldClearParameters = this.IsClearParameters;
this.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
this.IsClearParameters = false;
return this;
#region Core
public virtual int ExecuteCommand(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
InitParameters(ref sql, parameters);
if (FormatSql != null)
sql = FormatSql(sql);
if (this.ProcessingEventStartingSQL != null)
ExecuteProcessingSQL(ref sql, parameters);
ExecuteBefore(sql, parameters);
IDbCommand sqlCommand = GetCommand(sql, parameters);
int count = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (this.IsClearParameters)
ExecuteAfter(sql, parameters);
return count;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ErrorEvent != null)
ExecuteErrorEvent(sql, parameters, ex);
throw ex;
if (this.IsAutoClose()) this.Close();
public virtual IDataReader GetDataReader(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
InitParameters(ref sql, parameters);
if (FormatSql != null)
sql = FormatSql(sql);
var isSp = this.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure;
if (this.ProcessingEventStartingSQL != null)
ExecuteProcessingSQL(ref sql, parameters);
ExecuteBefore(sql, parameters);
IDbCommand sqlCommand = GetCommand(sql, parameters);
IDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(this.IsAutoClose() ? CommandBehavior.CloseConnection : CommandBehavior.Default);
if (isSp)
DataReaderParameters = sqlCommand.Parameters;
if (this.IsClearParameters)
ExecuteAfter(sql, parameters);
return sqlDataReader;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ErrorEvent != null)
ExecuteErrorEvent(sql, parameters, ex);
throw ex;
public virtual DataSet GetDataSetAll(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
InitParameters(ref sql, parameters);
if (FormatSql != null)
sql = FormatSql(sql);
if (this.ProcessingEventStartingSQL != null)
ExecuteProcessingSQL(ref sql, parameters);
ExecuteBefore(sql, parameters);
IDataAdapter dataAdapter = this.GetAdapter();
IDbCommand sqlCommand = GetCommand(sql, parameters);
this.SetCommandToAdapter(dataAdapter, sqlCommand);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
if (this.IsClearParameters)
ExecuteAfter(sql, parameters);
return ds;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ErrorEvent != null)
ExecuteErrorEvent(sql, parameters, ex);
throw ex;
if (this.IsAutoClose()) this.Close();
public virtual object GetScalar(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
InitParameters(ref sql,parameters);
if (FormatSql != null)
sql = FormatSql(sql);
if (this.ProcessingEventStartingSQL != null)
ExecuteProcessingSQL(ref sql, parameters);
ExecuteBefore(sql, parameters);
IDbCommand sqlCommand = GetCommand(sql, parameters);
object scalar = sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar();
//scalar = (scalar == null ? 0 : scalar);
if (this.IsClearParameters)
ExecuteAfter(sql, parameters);
return scalar;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ErrorEvent != null)
throw ex;
if (this.IsAutoClose()) this.Close();
#region Methods
public virtual string GetString(string sql, object parameters)
return GetString(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual string GetString(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
return Convert.ToString(GetScalar(sql, parameters));
public virtual string GetString(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetString(sql);
return GetString(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual int GetInt(string sql, object parameters)
return GetInt(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual int GetInt(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
return GetScalar(sql, parameters).ObjToInt();
public virtual int GetInt(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetInt(sql);
return GetInt(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual Double GetDouble(string sql, object parameters)
return GetDouble(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual Double GetDouble(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
return GetScalar(sql, parameters).ObjToMoney();
public virtual Double GetDouble(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetDouble(sql);
return GetDouble(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual decimal GetDecimal(string sql, object parameters)
return GetDecimal(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual decimal GetDecimal(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
return GetScalar(sql, parameters).ObjToDecimal();
public virtual decimal GetDecimal(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetDecimal(sql);
return GetDecimal(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual DateTime GetDateTime(string sql, object parameters)
return GetDateTime(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual DateTime GetDateTime(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
return GetScalar(sql, parameters).ObjToDate();
public virtual DateTime GetDateTime(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetDateTime(sql);
return GetDateTime(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual List<T> SqlQuery<T>(string sql, object parameters = null)
var sugarParameters = this.GetParameters(parameters);
return SqlQuery<T>(sql, sugarParameters);
public virtual List<T> SqlQuery<T>(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
var builder = InstanceFactory.GetSqlbuilder(this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig);
if (parameters != null && parameters.Any())
var dataReader = this.GetDataReader(builder.SqlQueryBuilder.ToSqlString(), builder.SqlQueryBuilder.Parameters.ToArray());
List<T> result = this.DbBind.DataReaderToList<T>(typeof(T), dataReader);
if (this.Context.Ado.DataReaderParameters != null)
foreach (IDataParameter item in this.Context.Ado.DataReaderParameters)
var parameter = parameters.FirstOrDefault(it => item.ParameterName.Substring(1) == it.ParameterName.Substring(1));
if (parameter != null)
parameter.Value = item.Value;
this.Context.Ado.DataReaderParameters = null;
return result;
public virtual List<T> SqlQuery<T>(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters != null)
return SqlQuery<T>(sql, parameters.ToArray());
return SqlQuery<T>(sql);
public virtual T SqlQuerySingle<T>(string sql, object parameters = null)
var result = SqlQuery<T>(sql, parameters);
return result == null ? default(T) : result.FirstOrDefault();
public virtual T SqlQuerySingle<T>(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
var result = SqlQuery<T>(sql, parameters);
return result == null ? default(T) : result.FirstOrDefault();
public virtual T SqlQuerySingle<T>(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
var result = SqlQuery<T>(sql, parameters);
return result == null ? default(T) : result.FirstOrDefault();
public virtual dynamic SqlQueryDynamic(string sql, object parameters = null)
var dt = this.GetDataTable(sql, parameters);
return dt == null ? null : this.Context.Utilities.DataTableToDynamic(dt);
public virtual dynamic SqlQueryDynamic(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
var dt = this.GetDataTable(sql, parameters);
return dt == null ? null : this.Context.Utilities.DataTableToDynamic(dt);
public dynamic SqlQueryDynamic(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
var dt = this.GetDataTable(sql, parameters);
return dt == null ? null : this.Context.Utilities.DataTableToDynamic(dt);
public virtual DataTable GetDataTable(string sql, params SugarParameter[] parameters)
var ds = GetDataSetAll(sql, parameters);
if (ds.Tables.Count != 0 && ds.Tables.Count > 0) return ds.Tables[0];
return new DataTable();
public virtual DataTable GetDataTable(string sql, object parameters)
return GetDataTable(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual DataTable GetDataTable(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetDataTable(sql);
return GetDataTable(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual DataSet GetDataSetAll(string sql, object parameters)
return GetDataSetAll(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual DataSet GetDataSetAll(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetDataSetAll(sql);
return GetDataSetAll(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual IDataReader GetDataReader(string sql, object parameters)
return GetDataReader(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual IDataReader GetDataReader(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetDataReader(sql);
return GetDataReader(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual object GetScalar(string sql, object parameters)
return GetScalar(sql, this.GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual object GetScalar(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return GetScalar(sql);
return GetScalar(sql, parameters.ToArray());
public virtual int ExecuteCommand(string sql, object parameters)
return ExecuteCommand(sql, GetParameters(parameters));
public virtual int ExecuteCommand(string sql, List<SugarParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null)
return ExecuteCommand(sql);
return ExecuteCommand(sql, parameters.ToArray());
#region Helper
private void TaskStart<Type>(Task<Type> result)
if (this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.IsShardSameThread)
Check.Exception(true, "IsShardSameThread=true can't be used async method");
private void ExecuteProcessingSQL(ref string sql, SugarParameter[] parameters)
var result = this.ProcessingEventStartingSQL(sql, parameters);
sql = result.Key;
parameters = result.Value;
public virtual void ExecuteBefore(string sql, SugarParameter[] parameters)
if (this.Context.IsAsyncMethod==false&&this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.Debugger != null && this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.Debugger.EnableThreadSecurityValidation == true) {
var contextId =this.Context.ContextID.ToString();
var processId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString();
var cache = new ReflectionInoCacheService();
if (!cache.ContainsKey<string>(contextId))
cache.Add(contextId, processId);
else {
var cacheValue = cache.Get<string>(contextId);
if (processId != cacheValue) {
throw new SqlSugarException(this.Context,ErrorMessage.GetThrowMessage("Detection of SqlSugarClient cross-threading usage,a thread needs a new one", "检测到声名的SqlSugarClient跨线程使用,请检查是否静态、是否单例、或者IOC配置错误引起的,保证一个线程new出一个对象 ,具本Sql:")+sql,parameters);
this.BeforeTime = DateTime.Now;
if (this.IsEnableLogEvent)
Action<string, SugarParameter[]> action = LogEventStarting;
if (action != null)
if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0)
action(sql, new SugarParameter[] { });
action(sql, parameters);
public virtual void ExecuteAfter(string sql, SugarParameter[] parameters)
this.AfterTime = DateTime.Now;
var hasParameter = parameters.HasValue();
if (hasParameter)
foreach (var outputParameter in parameters.Where(it => it.Direction.IsIn(ParameterDirection.Output, ParameterDirection.InputOutput,ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)))
var gobalOutputParamter = this.OutputParameters.FirstOrDefault(it => it.ParameterName == outputParameter.ParameterName);
if (gobalOutputParamter == null) {//Oracle bug
gobalOutputParamter=this.OutputParameters.FirstOrDefault(it => it.ParameterName == outputParameter.ParameterName.TrimStart(outputParameter.ParameterName.First()));
outputParameter.Value = gobalOutputParamter.Value;
if (this.IsEnableLogEvent)
Action<string, SugarParameter[]> action = LogEventCompleted;
if (action != null)
if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0)
action(sql, new SugarParameter[] { });
action(sql, parameters);
if (this.OldCommandType != 0)
this.CommandType = this.OldCommandType;
this.IsClearParameters = this.OldClearParameters;
this.OldCommandType = 0;
this.OldClearParameters = false;
public virtual SugarParameter[] GetParameters(object parameters, PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = null)
if (parameters == null) return null;
return base.GetParameters(parameters, propertyInfo, this.SqlParameterKeyWord);
private bool IsAutoClose()
return this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.IsAutoCloseConnection && this.Transaction == null;
private bool IsMasterSlaveSeparation
return this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.SlaveConnectionConfigs.HasValue();
private void SetConnectionStart(string sql)
if (this.Transaction==null&&this.IsMasterSlaveSeparation && IsRead(sql))
if (this.MasterConnection == null)
this.MasterConnection = this.Connection;
var saves = this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.SlaveConnectionConfigs.Where(it => it.HitRate > 0).ToList();
var currentIndex = UtilRandom.GetRandomIndex(saves.ToDictionary(it => saves.ToList().IndexOf(it), it => it.HitRate));
var currentSaveConnection = saves[currentIndex];
this.Connection = null;
this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.ConnectionString = currentSaveConnection.ConnectionString;
this.Connection = this.Connection;
if (this.SlaveConnections.IsNullOrEmpty() || !this.SlaveConnections.Any(it => EqualsConnectionString(it.ConnectionString, this.Connection.ConnectionString)))
if (this.SlaveConnections == null) this.SlaveConnections = new List<IDbConnection>();
private bool EqualsConnectionString(string connectionString1, string connectionString2)
var connectionString1Array = connectionString1.Split(';');
var connectionString2Array = connectionString2.Split(';');
var result = connectionString1Array.Except(connectionString2Array);
return result.Count() == 0;
private void SetConnectionEnd(string sql)
if (this.IsMasterSlaveSeparation && IsRead(sql)&&this.Transaction==null)
this.Connection = this.MasterConnection;
this.Context.CurrentConnectionConfig.ConnectionString = this.MasterConnection.ConnectionString;
private bool IsRead(string sql)
var sqlLower = sql.ToLower();
var result = Regex.IsMatch(sqlLower, "[ ]*select[ ]") && !Regex.IsMatch(sqlLower, "[ ]*insert[ ]|[ ]*update[ ]|[ ]*delete[ ]");
return result;
private void ExecuteErrorEvent(string sql, SugarParameter[] parameters, Exception ex)
ErrorEvent(new SqlSugarException(this.Context,ex, sql, parameters));
private void InitParameters(ref string sql, SugarParameter[] parameters)
if (parameters.HasValue())
foreach (var item in parameters)
if (item.Value != null)
var type = item.Value.GetType();
if ((type != UtilConstants.ByteArrayType && type.IsArray) || type.FullName.IsCollectionsList())
var newValues = new List<string>();
foreach (var inValute in item.Value as IEnumerable)
if (newValues.IsNullOrEmpty())
if (item.ParameterName.Substring(0, 1) == ":")
sql = sql.Replace("@"+item.ParameterName.Substring(1), newValues.ToArray().ToJoinSqlInVals());
sql = sql.Replace(item.ParameterName, newValues.ToArray().ToJoinSqlInVals());
item.Value = DBNull.Value;