480 lines
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480 lines
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using Api.Framework;
using Api.Framework.Model;
using Api.Framework.SDK;
using Api.Framework.Tools;
using Chat.Framework;
using Chat.Framework.WXSdk.Implement;
using SignContacts.Entitys;
using SignContacts.Enums;
using SignContacts.Properties;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SignContacts
public class Class1 : Plugin
public Class1()
this.Name = Resources.PluginName;
this.Note = Resources.PluginNote;
this.Logo = Resources.标记;
#region 自定义变量
public static Config Config;
private MainForm mainForm = null;
public override void Start()
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
#region 判断表是否存在,不存在创建表
if (!session.TableExist<fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info>())
session.AddUnique<fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info>("signtype", "amount");
session.Insertable(new List<fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info>(){
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.好友天数,amount = 5,sign = "C"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.好友天数,amount = 15,sign = "B"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.好友天数,amount = 99999,sign = "A"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.推荐人数,amount = 5,sign = "▲"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.推荐人数,amount = 15,sign = "★"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.推荐人数,amount = 99999,sign = "◆"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.查询次数,amount = 5,sign = "。"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.查询次数,amount = 50,sign = "o"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.查询次数,amount = 99999,sign = "O"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.订单总数,amount = 5,sign = "M"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.订单总数,amount = 50,sign = "K"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.订单总数,amount = 99999,sign = "P"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.退款总数,amount = 20,sign = "Υ"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.退款总数,amount = 100,sign = "γ"},
new fl_plugin_signcontacts_sign_info() { signtype = SignType.退款总数,amount = 99999,sign = "Ψ"}
Config = this.ReadConfig<Config>();
SDK.WXNewFriendEvent += SDK_WXNewFriendEvent;
SDK.OrderNoticeEvent += SDK_OrderNoticeEvent;
SDK.SharedEvent += SDK_SharedEvent;
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// 新加好友
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void SDK_WXNewFriendEvent(object sender, Chat.Framework.WXSdk.Events.WXNewFriend e)
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
var member = session.Find<fl_member_info>("select * from fl_member_info where username = @username", new { username = e.Friend.UserName }).FirstOrDefault();
if (member == null)
member = new fl_member_info() { crt_time = DateTime.Now, usernick = e.Friend.NickName, realnick = e.Friend.NickName, robot_name = e.Client.WeixinHao, robot_type = e.Client.WeixinType == WeixinType.QYHook微信 ? ChatType.企业微信 : ChatType.微信, username = e.Friend.UserName, alipay_name = string.Empty, alipay_num = string.Empty, remark = string.Empty };
member = session.Saveable(member).ExecuteReturnEntity();
NewUsername(e.Client, member, UserType.新用户);
private void SDK_SharedEvent(object sender, Api.Framework.Events.SharedEvents e)
if (Config.NotesSwitch == Api.Framework.Enums.SwitchType.开启)
if (e.Shareds != null && e.Shareds.ContainsKey("msg_type") && e.Shareds["msg_type"].ToString() == "查询宝贝")
var wx = sender as WeixinBase;
if (wx == null) return;
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
string username = e.Shareds["msg_username"].ToString();
var member = session.Find<fl_member_info>("select * from fl_member_info where username = @username", new { username = username }).FirstOrDefault();
if (member == null) return;
//if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_QueryNotOrder))
// #region 首次查询
// var incomeResult = session.FindSingle<fl_statistics_record>(@"select * from fl_statistics_record where uid = @userid and querynum = 1", new { userid = member.id });
// if (incomeResult != null)
// {
// if (member.bind_order != 0 || member.finish_order != 0) return;
// var orderCount = 0;
// orderCount += session.Find<fl_order_alimama>("select * from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @db_userid", new { db_userid = member.id }).Count;
// if (orderCount == 0)
// {
// orderCount += session.Find<fl_order_jingdong>("select * from fl_order_jingdong where db_userid = @db_userid", new { db_userid = member.id }).Count;
// if (orderCount == 0)
// orderCount += session.Find<fl_order_pinduoduo>("select * from fl_order_pinduoduo where db_userid = @db_userid", new { db_userid = member.id }).Count;
// }
// if (orderCount == 0)
// {
// NewUsername(wx, member, UserType.查询未下单);
// return;
// }
// }
// #endregion
NewUsername(wx, member, UserType.未知);
//long inviter_id = 0;
//string inviter_username = string.Empty;
//var notes = _ProcessStr(out inviter_id, out inviter_username, uid: member.id);
//if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notes) && member.usernick != notes)
// wx.EditContacts(e.Shareds["msg_username"].ToString(), EditContactsType.备注, notes);
// member.usernick = notes;
// session.SaveOrUpdate(member);
catch (Exception ex)
this.OnLog($"{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}.");
/// <summary>
/// 订单通知接口
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void SDK_OrderNoticeEvent(object sender, Api.Framework.Events.OrderNoticeEvent e)
if (Config.NotesSwitch == Api.Framework.Enums.SwitchType.开启)
if (e.Customer == null && e.Member != null)
var wx = ChatClient.WXClient.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == e.Member.robot_name).Value;
if (wx == null || wx.Status != Chat.Framework.WXSdk.WxStatus.在线)
if (e.Member.bind_order == 1)
NewUsername(wx, e.Member, UserType.首单用户);
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
var systemOrderStatus = -1;
if (e.Order is fl_order_alimama)
systemOrderStatus = (int)(e.Order as fl_order_alimama).db_status;
if (e.Order is fl_order_pinduoduo)
systemOrderStatus = (int)(e.Order as fl_order_pinduoduo).db_status;
if (e.Order is fl_order_jingdong)
systemOrderStatus = (int)(e.Order as fl_order_jingdong).db_status;
if (e.Order is fl_order_weipinhui)
systemOrderStatus = (int)(e.Order as fl_order_weipinhui).db_status;
if (systemOrderStatus == 1002 || systemOrderStatus == 998 || systemOrderStatus == 999 || systemOrderStatus == 1003)
NewUsername(wx, e.Member, UserType.常规用户);
//long inviter_id = 0;
//string inviter_username = string.Empty;
//var notes = _ProcessStr(out inviter_id, out inviter_username, username: e.Member.username);
//if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notes) && e.Member.usernick != notes)
// wx.EditContacts(e.Member.username, EditContactsType.备注, notes);
// e.Member.usernick = notes;
// session.SaveOrUpdate(e.Member);
catch (Exception ex)
this.OnLog($"{ex.Message} - {ex.StackTrace}");
public void NewUsername(WeixinBase wx, fl_member_info member, UserType userType)
if (Config.NotesSwitch == Api.Framework.Enums.SwitchType.开启 && !(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_FirstOrder) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_NewFirend) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_QueryNotOrder)))
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
var format = string.Empty;
switch (userType)
case UserType.新用户:
format = Config.NotesFormat_NewFirend;
case UserType.查询未下单:
format = Config.NotesFormat_QueryNotOrder;
case UserType.首单用户:
format = Config.NotesFormat_FirstOrder;
case UserType.常规用户:
format = Config.NotesFormat;
case UserType.未知:
#region 判断是查询过
var incomeResult = session.FindSingle<fl_statistics_record>(@"select * from fl_statistics_record where uid = @userid", new { userid = member.id });
if (incomeResult != null)
if (incomeResult.querynum == 0)
format = Config.NotesFormat_NewFirend;
if (member.bind_order <= 0)
format = Config.NotesFormat_QueryNotOrder;
else if (member.bind_order == 1)
format = Config.NotesFormat_FirstOrder;
format = Config.NotesFormat;
if (member.bind_order <= 0)
format = Config.NotesFormat_NewFirend;
else if (member.bind_order == 1)
format = Config.NotesFormat_FirstOrder;
else if (member.bind_order > 1)
format = Config.NotesFormat;
// format = Config.NotesFormat_QueryNotOrder;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat))
format = Config.NotesFormat;
//if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format))
// return;
long inviter_id = 0;
string inviter_username = string.Empty;
var notes = string.Empty;
//var member = session.Find<fl_member_info>("select * from fl_member_info where username = @username", new { username = username }).FirstOrDefault();
if (member != null)
notes = _ProcessStr(format, out inviter_id, out inviter_username, uid: member.id);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notes) && member.usernick != notes)
this.OnLog($"{member.usernick}({member.username}) => {notes}");
wx.EditContacts(member.username, EditContactsType.备注, notes);
member.usernick = notes;
this.OnLog($"{member.usernick}({member.username}) => {notes},和之前一样");
//if (inviter_id != 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inviter_username))
// var inviter_member = session.Find<fl_member_info>("select * from fl_member_info where username = @username", new { username = inviter_username }).FirstOrDefault();
// if (inviter_member == null) return;
// notes = _ProcessStr(format, out inviter_id, out inviter_username, uid: inviter_member.id);
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notes) || inviter_member.usernick == notes)
// return;
// Thread.Sleep(1000);
// wx.EditContacts(inviter_username, EditContactsType.备注, notes);
// inviter_member.usernick = notes;
// session.SaveOrUpdate(inviter_member);
catch (Exception ex)
this.OnLog($"{ex.Message} . {ex.StackTrace}");
/// <summary>
/// 标签/备注 字符串替换方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="format">标签/备注 模板</param>
/// <param name="username">用户wxid</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string _ProcessStr(string format, out long inviter_id, out string inviter_username, string username = "", long uid = 0)
inviter_id = 0;
inviter_username = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format))
return string.Empty;
var session = ApiClient.GetSession();
fl_member_info member = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username))
member = session.Find<fl_member_info>("select * from fl_member_info where username = @username", new { username = username }).FirstOrDefault();
else if (uid != 0)
member = session.Find<fl_member_info>("select * from fl_member_info where id = @id", new { id = uid }).FirstOrDefault();
if (member == null)
return string.Empty;
var days = (DateTime.Now.Date - member.crt_time.Date).Days;
#region 查询次数/推荐人数/完成订单数(3)/退款数量(3)
decimal query_amount = 0m;//查询次数
decimal invite_amount = 0m;//推荐人数
decimal order_amount = 0m;//完成订单数
decimal refund_amount = 0m;//退款订单数
var incomeResult = session.FindTable(
//@"select querynum as num from fl_statistics_record where uid = @userid
@"select COALESCE(sum(querynum),0) as num from fl_statistics_record where uid = @userid
select count(id) as num from fl_member_info where inviter_id = @userid
select COALESCE(sum(item_num),0) as num from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @userid and db_status not in (1006,1004)
select COALESCE(sum(skuNum),0) as num from fl_order_jingdong where db_userid = @userid and db_status not in (1006,1004)
select COALESCE(sum(goods_quantity),0) as num from fl_order_pinduoduo where db_userid = @userid and db_status not in (1006,1004)
select COALESCE(sum(item_num),0) as num from fl_order_alimama where db_userid = @userid and db_status in (999,998,1003)
select COALESCE(sum(skuNum),0) as num from fl_order_jingdong where db_userid = @userid and db_status in (999,998,1003)
select COALESCE(sum(goods_quantity),0) as num from fl_order_pinduoduo where db_userid = @userid and db_status in (999,998,1003) ", new { userid = member.id });
if (incomeResult.Rows.Count != 0)
query_amount = decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[0]["num"].ToString());
invite_amount = decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[1]["num"].ToString());
order_amount = decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[2]["num"].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[3]["num"].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[4]["num"].ToString());
var ss = incomeResult.Rows[7];
refund_amount = decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[5]["num"].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[6]["num"].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(incomeResult.Rows[7]["num"].ToString());
var signQuery = session.FindSignInfo(SignType.查询次数, (long)query_amount);
var signInvite = session.FindSignInfo(SignType.推荐人数, (long)invite_amount);
var signOrder = session.FindSignInfo(SignType.订单总数, (long)order_amount);
var signRefund = session.FindSignInfo(SignType.退款总数, (long)refund_amount);
var signDays = session.FindSignInfo(SignType.好友天数, days);
inviter_id = member.inviter_id;
inviter_username = member.username;
//var format = string.Empty;
//if (Config.NotesSwitch == Api.Framework.Enums.SwitchType.开启 && !(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_FirstOrder) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_NewFirend) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_QueryNotOrder)))
//if (order_amount <= 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat_NotOrder))
// format = Config.NotesFormat_NotOrder;
//if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.NotesFormat))
// format = Config.NotesFormat;
//if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format))
// return string.Empty;
#region 最后下单时间
var last_buy_time = DateTime.MinValue;
if (format.Contains("[最后下单"))
var tb_data = session.Queryable<fl_order_alimama>().OrderBy(f => f.create_time, SqlSugar.OrderByType.Desc).Where(f => f.db_userid == member.id).First();
var jd_data = session.Queryable<fl_order_jingdong>().OrderBy(f => f.orderTime, SqlSugar.OrderByType.Desc).Where(f => f.db_userid == member.id).First();
var pdd_data = session.Queryable<fl_order_pinduoduo>().OrderBy(f => f.order_create_time, SqlSugar.OrderByType.Desc).Where(f => f.db_userid == member.id).First();
var wph_data = session.Queryable<fl_order_weipinhui>().OrderBy(f => f.orderTime, SqlSugar.OrderByType.Desc).Where(f => f.db_userid == member.id).First();
if (tb_data != null)
last_buy_time = last_buy_time < tb_data.create_time ? tb_data.create_time : last_buy_time;
if (jd_data != null)
last_buy_time = last_buy_time < jd_data.orderTime ? jd_data.orderTime : last_buy_time;
if (pdd_data != null)
last_buy_time = last_buy_time < pdd_data.order_create_time ? pdd_data.order_create_time : last_buy_time;
if (wph_data != null)
last_buy_time = last_buy_time < Util.GetDateTime(wph_data.orderTime) ? Util.GetDateTime(wph_data.orderTime) : last_buy_time;
return format
.Replace("[编号]", member.id.ToString())
.Replace("[天数]", signDays.sign)
.Replace("[查询]", signQuery.sign)
.Replace("[订单]", signOrder.sign)
.Replace("[退款]", signRefund.sign)
.Replace("[推荐]", signInvite.sign)
.Replace("[昵称]", member.realnick)
.Replace("[上级编码]", member.inviter_id.ToString())
.Replace("[最后下单时间]", (last_buy_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : last_buy_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")))
.Replace("[最后下单年]", (last_buy_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : last_buy_time.ToString("yyyy")))
.Replace("[最后下单月]", (last_buy_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : last_buy_time.ToString("MM")))
.Replace("[最后下单日]", (last_buy_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : last_buy_time.ToString("dd")))
.Replace("[好友注册时间]", (member.crt_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : member.crt_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")))
.Replace("[好友注册年]", (member.crt_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : member.crt_time.ToString("yyyy")))
.Replace("[好友注册月]", (member.crt_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : member.crt_time.ToString("MM")))
.Replace("[好友注册日]", (member.crt_time == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : member.crt_time.ToString("dd")));
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
return string.Empty;
public override void ShowForm()
if (mainForm == null || mainForm.IsDisposed)
mainForm = new MainForm();
mainForm.TopMost = true;
mainForm.TopMost = false;
catch (Exception ex)
public override void Stop()
if (mainForm != null)
mainForm = null;
catch (Exception ex)